Monday, March 24, 2014

Sad Day

My buddy (who is 86) is depressed.  She has always been the most upbeat person, No Matter What. So it is especially hard to see her this way.  But she is losing her eyesight. She says she's too old to cope with blindness.  So she just stares into the darkness.  I talk to her and read the paper to her... once in a while I see a spark, but mostly... I don't think she's there... not really.  So sad..............

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Happy Hump Day

Weird name.  Hump day.  But I love some of those camel cartoons.

Sitting here In The Den, not on the porch cause it was too distracting before.  I have a LOT to do today.  Can't afford distractions.  Though I AM dealing with a crick in my neck, from having to sit weird and look AROUND Lily.  Honestly.  Why don't I just boot her off the desk.  She sits in Front of  the screen so I Have to notice her, and I sit her careening my neck to see around her.  Geez... AND worse yet -- I am writing about this nonsense while she is STILL blocking my view.  Cat lovers unite!  And get committed to the booby hatch all at once!

Anyway - today I am using my new software.  That is positive affirmation for ya.  I'm actually Seeing myself being able to figure it out, so I Can use it!!   I'm determined though.  This time I mean it!!
But the sun is shining for the first time in 4 days, so this is going to be hard! I already saw a cardinal at the feeder this morning.  It is empty thanks to the squirrels.  But IF I go out there to fill it... I'll end up doing a 'little' gardening and then maybe some weeding and then move on to research new ways to get rid of fire ants and then sweep leaves off the deck and then scrub down the deck chairs and then maybe even wash the kitchen window cause it is hard to see around the specks now days.... and then, Freaking ETC.   I refuse to go out.  Don't try to talk me into it.  I'm getting these books tended to today No Matter What.......  So the Next sunny day I can go do all that stuff without Books on my brain.  That's the plan.  Wish me Luck!!!   And

Have a great Hump Day!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Good Morning!!

Rainy day here in "Sunny Florida." Been raining for 3 days now.  I guess it's ok  by me.  It's greening things up.  And I have about half my garden planted, so that'll be good for all that.  I bet this will make the azaleas and dogwoods Burst open.  I LOVE spring in FL.  SO beautiful!!! Last year I cleared walkways through the wooded section of my yard, and planted azaleas all along it.  I think it is too soon for them to bloom (takes 2 years sometimes when you dig them up from under established plants.  For me anyway.)  But I suspect a few will surprise me!!  :)  and it's going to be such a pleasant walk back there.  Ahhhh.... I love nature. 

Been plotting to get my tree house (tree deck - whatever it ends up to be) going.  I have the floor board sitting up there on a branch.  I need some  help getting it anchored.  THEN - I'll be up there writing Tales from the Tree.  I think we discussed that last year.  It's still in the game plan. 

I'm sitting here plotting new landscaping in my back yard.  Maybe sitting on my porch, updating here, is not such a good idea.  I wanted to get out of the house cause all the decluttering needs keep distracting me.  But now all these landscaping needs are distracting me.  (In a MUCH pleasanter way though!!)  The rain is keeping these varmints away today though:   Squirrels.  There --- that's all you get cause this stupid computer (or operator, which I seriously  doubt!) is not working right. I was trying to insert a photo.  I've done it before.  I know HOW.  I think.   Blahhhhh.... I am frustrated already.  If I ever win the lottery... I'm hiring a computer nerd to sit at the ready to fix all my continual blunders.  This is raising my boodpressure...  

Ohhhmmmmmmmmm....  Not working this time.  OHMMMMMM.... nope... well, I'll give it a try later.  WHY do computers hate me?  I'mma need some therapy.  Meanwhile I'm going to go make me a smoothy.  That oughta cure what ails me.  You go make one too, and we'll meet back here tomorrow after the Mister pounds this machine into shape for me!! ಠ^ಠ

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Month?!!

It has honestly been a month since I've been on here?  Where Does the time go?  I gotta tell ya - I need to be 3 people.  I have so much going on.  I never want to go to bed at night, and if I dare wake up in the middle of the night... I have to Force myself back to sleep cause I want to get  up and get to it!  I need some chill pills or something. 

Just a quick note cause I really do need to get to bed... but I recently hooked up with some new software, which I will tell you more about once I learn how to use it.  But it is going to help me get my books out of my  head, out of my computer, and out --- just out.  That is so exciting.  This whole techno thing has been holding me back.  But no longer!!!  (Well, IF I get this software figured out... and I will.  I will.  I WILL!) 

But I wanted to check in and let you know that I am still here, still plugging along, creating wonderful things for you... well, I think they are wonderful, and I hope you will too.  We'll all find out together.  By the end of the month if all goes well!!!  Wish me luck!!  :)

Oh - and some info I want to share with you is:  Himalayan Sea Salt.  Also Aztec Sea Salt (maybe.  I'm not done with my research on that yet.)  But so far I love Himalayan SS.  Check it out, if you don't want to wait on me.   Also - some new back stretches.  Maybe not new, so much ---  but ones I've been sticking with and Seeing results!  And - my garden has new (to me) veggies in it this year.  And ... gosh... a lot.  Trust me...  I'll try really hard to give you a new post in the morning.  I want to get you in on this "high" of mine.  It's just too much for me to handle alone.   ;)

Sweet Dreams All!!!   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............

Friday, February 7, 2014


Check these out.  Are these not COOL???  I saw it on the web, and I HAD to have one.  Not done yet, but it is just a shirt of Chip's that I cut and waaalaaa... instant Apron!   Gonna spiff it up a bit more this eve~    Stay tuned...

Thursday, February 6, 2014


A friend of mine  sent me an article she had written about dreaming.  How dreams are so important in our lives.  And without them, what keeps us going?  Of course she wrote it in such prose and elegance...unlike my 'speak without thinking' style.  But it sure got me to thinking.  Am I following my dreams?  Am I keeping my dreams in a protective place where no one can crush them (as she wrote)?  If I were to answer that a couple years ago, I would have had to say No. And yes.  I was hiding my dream/s and keeping them safe where no one could tell me they were ridiculous and unworthy.  But last year -- the Real NitaB emerged and quit caring if anyone thought she was stupid, or crazy or out of her everlovin mind.  She'd always been all of those things, but no longer was it necessary to stifle any of that to conform to anyone's standards.  And to be honest... the strictest standards were in my own whacked out mind.  I was being who I thought I was expected to be.  Or something.  Heck, who knows?  Who cares?  What you see now - is who I've really always been... just more Out There Livin Free and Tossing Caution (most of it) to the wind. I'm still not brave enough to wear my Fun clothes in public.  Much.  I sneak out in a pair of leggings once in a while if I'm going out of town where no one knows me...  Baby Steps, as my friend Carolyn used to always tell me.    But I sometimes break into dance in a store (if I think no one is looking... but secretly thinking that if anyone Does see... Lucky them.)  Cause This Girl Can bust a move alright!!!  Hahahaha....   I seat dance in my car.  Even at red lights, and wave at those around me.  Some of them wave back.  Coolness!!  Some of them pretend they weren't looking.  I always hope that no one that knows me, sees me having fun.  I mean... they could kick in the gears towards having me committed.  I'm scared of that.  In the hooky house... I'd have competition.  I like being a Solo Act.   Oh My Gosh........ this has turned into quite the ramble.  Sorry.  I'm just in a good mood right now and that equals Ramble.   Anyway ---

Point is, and yes, there was supposed to be a point...  It is ok to LIVE your dreams.  Cause if anyone doesn't like them, that's ok.  It is YOUR dream.  None of their bizz.  Don't keep them buried in a safe place.  Bring them out and Live them!  I'm telling ya -------- it's a whole new world when you do!!!!     I know more and more people that hit their 50's and let their hair down.  Cause they are "old" now.  People expect oddness from the elderly, right?  I hope so.  Cause I'm going with that theory Full Tilt!!  Who's with me on this???!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Writer's Life

Gosh... I've been so busy writing in my "books" that I forgot to write out here.  Sorry.

Currently working on a book for Newcomers to the world of eBay.  It's such a fun "job" that I want everyone to do it!!  Just makes my day when I sell something for an amazing price!  Today I sold a game that I paid $1 for.  Made $16 on it.  That's small potatoes compared to a sale I made a couple months  ago when I sold a Halloween costume for $60, that I paid $2 for.  And once I sold  a Hallmark Ornament for almost $200.... paid a quarter.  I could go on........ but instead, I wrote a book, to try to get More people hooked on eBay!  Wait.............. that could end up creating competition for me... what Was I thinking?  Oh well, what's done is done.  Now to get it out to Amazon and press on  with Lily's books.  She keeps sitting on the keyboard... reminding me that I haven't put HER books out yet.  So much to do, so little time..........  :) 

Yesterday a friend of mine from high school sent me an email.  Haven't heard from her in a while, so that was Very nice.  But the email... it was soooo publishable.  I mean - now THERE is some writing talent.  I wanted to read More!  I need to check into being her publisher.  I need to get in on that money-wagon-in-the-making!!!

And speaking of  'in the making'... I Made some Healthy "Velveeta" the other day.  It was EASY.  (or I wouldn't have been making it!)  and it tasted Better than Velveeta cause it was made with Real Cheese. And NO chemicals.  I used mild cheddar.  I think I'd prefer another type of cheese.  I'm going to try some gouda next (only because I already have some.)   Anyway --- all you do is use some cheese, and some gelatin, and some milk..   That is IT!  If I wasn't in a lazy mood right now, I'd go look it up for you.  Oh, ok.... hang on....
  There ya go.  Give it a try.  And let me know what cheeses you try, cause I want to make more and different kinds.  I'm going to try to add some garlic, and maybe some lemon... or something.  Jazz it up.   Ruin it probably.  I oftentimes end up adding weird things and ruining stuff.  But I press on anyway.......... I do what I do!!  Be glad you don't have to live with me!! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day in Florida!

So... 28 degrees in "Sunny" Fl.  I only fell down once!  Broke my camera...  :(   But - no bones, so it's all good!
My friend's daughter who just had open-heart surgery (at 23) is doing well now, so THAT is GREAT!   I am babysitting her dog... and he does NOT like my hat and coat and gloves.  He was growling at me.  SO I had to ditch them.  It is COLD out there!  The things we do for pets!

Went by my 86 year old friend's house today to check on her.  (her son lives "next door") and they had branches down.  LOTS of big cedar tree branches.  The ice weighed heavy on the plants and trees around here.  Don't know how many will survive it.  Guess we'll soon find out!   Her son was wearing..... ready for this..??   FLIP FLOPs.  A Southerner Thru and Thru!!!
Lots of auto wrecks down here in the South today.  We just are Not used to this ice.  The Northern crowd is up there laughing at our wimpiness, but we just don't have the proper equipment, and road crews, and snow tires, and boots and such...   we Are wimps!  But I'd rather be a wimp for a few days, than COLD for months.  I used to live up there in the tundra... (of MI) so I know of what I speak.   It's beautiful up there, but I'll just enjoy it in pictures from here on out!!   ♥

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday.... lalalalala.........Friday

Happy Friday!!

My little girl (26) is coming home from her trip today!  YAY!

I should be able to finish the draft of my     eBay        book today.  Yay!

I lost a pound!  Yay!

Got to listen to some Blues this morning.  Yay! 

Who says Yay anymore?  That is annoying, eh?  Sorry.  ◔◡◔

Well, I have a full day ahead of me, but an even BETTER day planned for tomorrow and a nice one planned for Sunday.    Do you ever plan ahead?  I love planning.  The best laid plans..........  well... I like to do it anyway!    Of course I have heard, "Go ahead, make plans.  Give God a good laugh." 

Have a nice day all!   And Weekend!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Stretching and Writing. Yes, do BOTH. Today!!

HI All!!!

Just wanted to check in.  I've been super busy writing some new books.  Well, I should say  "putting together" some new books.  A couple of them are children's books "written" by my Cat Lily.  They are photos for the most part.  Educational and fun type books.  They don't have a lot of text, but they are still very time consuming.   No matter!  I still need to get better about checking in here.  One of my new books is an informative book and I intend to list my blog address so if anyone has questions after reading my book, they can ask me here.  We'll ALL learn something that way.  I'm all about Learning, and fun.  Having fun WHILE learning................ Bonus!!    This newest book is taking a toll on me.  Too much sitting.  I have to get up and Stretch off and on...   That is VERY important.  If I go a day without my stretches, I surely feel it.  Makes for less restful sleep, and therefore orneriness and therefore moodiness and therefore sadness and therefore less productivity and therefore ---Just stretch, ok?  A lot.  All thru the day.  It only takes a moment here and there and it will make a HUGE difference in your health.  Your energy.  Your flexibility.  Your mood.  Your... everything. 

But which stretches exactly, NitaB?  I hear ya out there!!!  You can research on the web to see which stretches are best for YOU.  Or what I do is basic stretches.  Just stand and reach for the ceiling.  Really reach, as if there is really a chance of you touching it.  Reach with one hand, then the other, then both.  That really helps Me.  Toe touches are good... but only after you are warmed up by moving around some.  Cold toe touches can pull a hamstring.  However toe touches upon a warmed up body... stretches the hamstrings and takes a load off your back. 

And SIT UP STRAIGHT!  I got me this little seat thingy, called a BackJoy.  It is a simple little thing, but it is shaped in such a way that if you don't sit up straight, it isn't comfy to sit on.  So --- Sit up straight already!  It makes a world of difference.  Especially if you are sitting a lot to write.  Yes, you!  WRITE!  Everyone has a book in them.  EVERYONE!  So write your book and then get with me, and I'll help you go to the next level.  Nothing to it really.  It just SEEMS time consuming and difficult.  I promise you.... I am about as flighty as they come.  If I can put together a book, or 6... YOU can too.  Get on it!  And then get back to me. 

Alrighty then.  NitaB out!!  :)    Have a GREAT DAY!  I mean it!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

What a headache.... relief!

Read this this morning... passing along cause headaches can be such a pain. I hardly ever get them and THIS might be why....

"Headaches are such a headache! Ninety percent of head pain is caused by tension, so instead of taking a pill that can upset your stomach, nibble on this all-natural snack while thinking relaxing thoughts...

Researchers tell us that almonds contain lots of salicylates, the... pain-relieving ingredient in aspirin. Eating 15 raw almonds will do the work of one aspirin. While it may take a little longer for the headache to vanish, you won’t run the risk for side effects. Almonds also have been shown to reduce cholesterol, build strong bones and teeth, and boost brain function, so if you eat almonds in moderation on a regular basis, the side effects you get are nothing but good. (Of course, if you have a nut or a salicylate allergy, don’t try this at home—or anywhere!)"
Have a Headache-Free day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!