Monday, March 24, 2014

Sad Day

My buddy (who is 86) is depressed.  She has always been the most upbeat person, No Matter What. So it is especially hard to see her this way.  But she is losing her eyesight. She says she's too old to cope with blindness.  So she just stares into the darkness.  I talk to her and read the paper to her... once in a while I see a spark, but mostly... I don't think she's there... not really.  So sad..............

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Happy Hump Day

Weird name.  Hump day.  But I love some of those camel cartoons.

Sitting here In The Den, not on the porch cause it was too distracting before.  I have a LOT to do today.  Can't afford distractions.  Though I AM dealing with a crick in my neck, from having to sit weird and look AROUND Lily.  Honestly.  Why don't I just boot her off the desk.  She sits in Front of  the screen so I Have to notice her, and I sit her careening my neck to see around her.  Geez... AND worse yet -- I am writing about this nonsense while she is STILL blocking my view.  Cat lovers unite!  And get committed to the booby hatch all at once!

Anyway - today I am using my new software.  That is positive affirmation for ya.  I'm actually Seeing myself being able to figure it out, so I Can use it!!   I'm determined though.  This time I mean it!!
But the sun is shining for the first time in 4 days, so this is going to be hard! I already saw a cardinal at the feeder this morning.  It is empty thanks to the squirrels.  But IF I go out there to fill it... I'll end up doing a 'little' gardening and then maybe some weeding and then move on to research new ways to get rid of fire ants and then sweep leaves off the deck and then scrub down the deck chairs and then maybe even wash the kitchen window cause it is hard to see around the specks now days.... and then, Freaking ETC.   I refuse to go out.  Don't try to talk me into it.  I'm getting these books tended to today No Matter What.......  So the Next sunny day I can go do all that stuff without Books on my brain.  That's the plan.  Wish me Luck!!!   And

Have a great Hump Day!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Good Morning!!

Rainy day here in "Sunny Florida." Been raining for 3 days now.  I guess it's ok  by me.  It's greening things up.  And I have about half my garden planted, so that'll be good for all that.  I bet this will make the azaleas and dogwoods Burst open.  I LOVE spring in FL.  SO beautiful!!! Last year I cleared walkways through the wooded section of my yard, and planted azaleas all along it.  I think it is too soon for them to bloom (takes 2 years sometimes when you dig them up from under established plants.  For me anyway.)  But I suspect a few will surprise me!!  :)  and it's going to be such a pleasant walk back there.  Ahhhh.... I love nature. 

Been plotting to get my tree house (tree deck - whatever it ends up to be) going.  I have the floor board sitting up there on a branch.  I need some  help getting it anchored.  THEN - I'll be up there writing Tales from the Tree.  I think we discussed that last year.  It's still in the game plan. 

I'm sitting here plotting new landscaping in my back yard.  Maybe sitting on my porch, updating here, is not such a good idea.  I wanted to get out of the house cause all the decluttering needs keep distracting me.  But now all these landscaping needs are distracting me.  (In a MUCH pleasanter way though!!)  The rain is keeping these varmints away today though:   Squirrels.  There --- that's all you get cause this stupid computer (or operator, which I seriously  doubt!) is not working right. I was trying to insert a photo.  I've done it before.  I know HOW.  I think.   Blahhhhh.... I am frustrated already.  If I ever win the lottery... I'm hiring a computer nerd to sit at the ready to fix all my continual blunders.  This is raising my boodpressure...  

Ohhhmmmmmmmmm....  Not working this time.  OHMMMMMM.... nope... well, I'll give it a try later.  WHY do computers hate me?  I'mma need some therapy.  Meanwhile I'm going to go make me a smoothy.  That oughta cure what ails me.  You go make one too, and we'll meet back here tomorrow after the Mister pounds this machine into shape for me!! ಠ^ಠ

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Month?!!

It has honestly been a month since I've been on here?  Where Does the time go?  I gotta tell ya - I need to be 3 people.  I have so much going on.  I never want to go to bed at night, and if I dare wake up in the middle of the night... I have to Force myself back to sleep cause I want to get  up and get to it!  I need some chill pills or something. 

Just a quick note cause I really do need to get to bed... but I recently hooked up with some new software, which I will tell you more about once I learn how to use it.  But it is going to help me get my books out of my  head, out of my computer, and out --- just out.  That is so exciting.  This whole techno thing has been holding me back.  But no longer!!!  (Well, IF I get this software figured out... and I will.  I will.  I WILL!) 

But I wanted to check in and let you know that I am still here, still plugging along, creating wonderful things for you... well, I think they are wonderful, and I hope you will too.  We'll all find out together.  By the end of the month if all goes well!!!  Wish me luck!!  :)

Oh - and some info I want to share with you is:  Himalayan Sea Salt.  Also Aztec Sea Salt (maybe.  I'm not done with my research on that yet.)  But so far I love Himalayan SS.  Check it out, if you don't want to wait on me.   Also - some new back stretches.  Maybe not new, so much ---  but ones I've been sticking with and Seeing results!  And - my garden has new (to me) veggies in it this year.  And ... gosh... a lot.  Trust me...  I'll try really hard to give you a new post in the morning.  I want to get you in on this "high" of mine.  It's just too much for me to handle alone.   ;)

Sweet Dreams All!!!   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............