Sunday, April 21, 2013!/photo.php?fbid=374915189283825&set=a.223064071135605.45905.222272341214778&type=1&theater


  1. Wow, you were busy this weekend, maybe you should have moved your office out to the porch years ago! I think I will buy a house with a Porch! I miss porches, they are a rare find in michigan! So busy here and not much time to settle my mind, but have been trying out yoga ( a little) and am liking it. I think more fruit and veggies too, cut out the sugars, get rid of most of the breads, I really don't need all the meat I have eaten through the years any more either.... I am 51 and have just found my stride, I feel like I just woke up on the other side of something, Like I have been peering through a looking glass all these years and now, one day, in a flash, as quick as you can make a decision, I am some place else! A wonderful place with new points of view, new perspectives, a new 'can do' attitude! I think this is a great place to be and I want to be strong and healthy to enjoy it! Thanks for the posts! I check every day! Keep up the good work!

    Oh, what about monopoly? and while you are at it, I would love to hear more about 'short cat syndrome"... : )

  2. Monopoly? I do recall us talking about that... but I forgot what we were saying... refresh me, eh?

    I Love your analogy of the other side of something. Like Alice ... on the other side of the Looking Glass. I love the whole Alice in Wonderland gig. It is very deep if you really watch it!! I need to go watch it again.

    I'm glad you are in a new place. Me too. You were pulling thoughts right out of my head there. Eating less meats, and more veggies, and way less sugar and less true grains and no bread (cept a rare cheat. I do love my pulled pork sammich from time to time!!)

    When you move (not that you are, but IF you do....;) get you a house with a closed in porch. It is HEAVENLY. An open porch is nice too... but there are bugs... I guess they are ok, just not around me!! :)
