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Just random little slices of every day happenings in the Crazy little Life of NitaB!!
Monday, September 30, 2013
NitaB attempts a cartwheel for the first time in 52 years!
I did it!!! Well, sort of... but YAY!!!! I can't believe I even tried. It is such a COOL feeling, to overcome a fear!! And not break any bones in the process!!! Tho I have had a major headache ever since. Think I jostled up my brain a bit too much....??? :)
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Day 95, and I'm here to tell you --- do NOT procrastinate. Cause playing catch - up is exhausting. I hadn't done any of my 3 hours of yard work this week... and I was almost out of week.......... so I went out to do my 3 hours.... and 9 hours later....... I quit. One thing led to another and.......... I am beat. But the front yard looks great!
I also had some cartwheel lessons today. Tomorrow is National Cartwheel day! For my Transformation Contest (TC) group anyway. We made a pact months ago that we would have a cartwheel competition the end of September. Well, it's the end. Eeeeeeek! I have Never done a cartwheel in my life. I just couldn't. They scare me. Seems like I'm gonna drop on my head or something. Scary scary scary. But my daughter said, Lose the Fear. Anyone can do a cartwheel. Hmmm..... I made about 65 attempts. It wasn't pretty. I did get about 3 of them Close. I'll practice some more tomorrow and then ---- it shall be forever recorded and submitted to the contest. I really haven't a prayer of winning.... (I mean - some of these peeps are trainers and fitness buffs.) I'm not going to use the 'age card' but I am a little older than most of my competition. Not that that matters. No siree. I may just win this thing!! We'll see tomorrow! '◡'
I also had some cartwheel lessons today. Tomorrow is National Cartwheel day! For my Transformation Contest (TC) group anyway. We made a pact months ago that we would have a cartwheel competition the end of September. Well, it's the end. Eeeeeeek! I have Never done a cartwheel in my life. I just couldn't. They scare me. Seems like I'm gonna drop on my head or something. Scary scary scary. But my daughter said, Lose the Fear. Anyone can do a cartwheel. Hmmm..... I made about 65 attempts. It wasn't pretty. I did get about 3 of them Close. I'll practice some more tomorrow and then ---- it shall be forever recorded and submitted to the contest. I really haven't a prayer of winning.... (I mean - some of these peeps are trainers and fitness buffs.) I'm not going to use the 'age card' but I am a little older than most of my competition. Not that that matters. No siree. I may just win this thing!! We'll see tomorrow! '◡'
Friday, September 27, 2013
Day 96!! Did my couch pushups while watching Family Feud (my daughter had it on. I don't watch daytime TV) The question was: Name something of yours that you swear is possessed. Number one answer: Children! Hahahaha..... Number 3 was Pet. I know that's right. My possessed daughter brought home a possessed cat that my possessed spouse fell in love with and now he sends me pictures on my possessed phone of her doing possessed things like flipping the bird (true story). But bottom line -- I guessed 6 of the 8 correct responses which means I need to go on that show and quit doing pushups.
I also did 6 pullups. Cheater ones with a springy strap to help propel me up. But hey --- I'll get there... one day.
I got completely caught up on my Toss 5. I was behind by a couple days. But I currently have tossed 25 things this week. Books, couch pillows (and yet I still have TOO many), clothes (still have too many of those too) and lets not forget the POT that started this all off!! One thing I tossed today was a bottle of Hair Goo stuff that claimed it would give your hair that "lived-in" look. What the heebies is a lived-in look? I hope I already Have that look. I do Live in this hair already!!
Abs... Ok, I've put that off long enough............ off to do some planking. While watching Shark Tanking. Do you love that show, Shark Tank? I do. I'm gonna be ON it one day!!
NitaB book sales... not so impressive. But I'll get there. Patience.... patience.... patience.... That's kind of like Ohmmmm.... ohmmmm...ohmmmm.... in yoga!!
I also did 6 pullups. Cheater ones with a springy strap to help propel me up. But hey --- I'll get there... one day.
I got completely caught up on my Toss 5. I was behind by a couple days. But I currently have tossed 25 things this week. Books, couch pillows (and yet I still have TOO many), clothes (still have too many of those too) and lets not forget the POT that started this all off!! One thing I tossed today was a bottle of Hair Goo stuff that claimed it would give your hair that "lived-in" look. What the heebies is a lived-in look? I hope I already Have that look. I do Live in this hair already!!
Abs... Ok, I've put that off long enough............ off to do some planking. While watching Shark Tanking. Do you love that show, Shark Tank? I do. I'm gonna be ON it one day!!
NitaB book sales... not so impressive. But I'll get there. Patience.... patience.... patience.... That's kind of like Ohmmmm.... ohmmmm...ohmmmm.... in yoga!!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Day 97. Did my lunges...! Yay! I wasn't saying Yay at the time, but it's always a good thing afterward!
Got all caught up on my Flinging. Whew. I hate flinging. But this morning I made sure I tossed 5 things before I even left the bedroom! I'm going to try to do that every morning. Get it over with straight out of the starting block!!
Did some ab stuff. Not enough... I still have a roll. Blahhhhhh..... Rolls are tough to concur cause those key lime pies are just SOOOO good. What? Me? No, I haven't been eating KLP. Well, just a bite. Honest - it was Just a bite. We went to Earl's for oysters!!! I know I said it would be Friday, but we couldn't stand it. We hadda go! So we filled to capacity and Beyond. But I had to cleanse my pallet... (Oysters are yummy but they stink. So I imagine my breath was strong enough to lift a house, so I had to cleanse it.) So my little server girl brought me the tiniest slice of Key Lime pie. Sliver. But NOW I am craving MORE. Driving me crazy. Maybe I'll call my little server girl and see if she'll... no... I better not. Pays to have a daughter who is a little server girl. (we like to call her that cause she hates it!)
Oh --- can't believe I almost forgot this --- I PUBLISHED MY BOOK TODAY!!! Is this exciting or What??!!!! IF you get a chance, I'd love for you to give it a read and let me know what you think!!

Got all caught up on my Flinging. Whew. I hate flinging. But this morning I made sure I tossed 5 things before I even left the bedroom! I'm going to try to do that every morning. Get it over with straight out of the starting block!!
Did some ab stuff. Not enough... I still have a roll. Blahhhhhh..... Rolls are tough to concur cause those key lime pies are just SOOOO good. What? Me? No, I haven't been eating KLP. Well, just a bite. Honest - it was Just a bite. We went to Earl's for oysters!!! I know I said it would be Friday, but we couldn't stand it. We hadda go! So we filled to capacity and Beyond. But I had to cleanse my pallet... (Oysters are yummy but they stink. So I imagine my breath was strong enough to lift a house, so I had to cleanse it.) So my little server girl brought me the tiniest slice of Key Lime pie. Sliver. But NOW I am craving MORE. Driving me crazy. Maybe I'll call my little server girl and see if she'll... no... I better not. Pays to have a daughter who is a little server girl. (we like to call her that cause she hates it!)
Oh --- can't believe I almost forgot this --- I PUBLISHED MY BOOK TODAY!!! Is this exciting or What??!!!! IF you get a chance, I'd love for you to give it a read and let me know what you think!!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Day 98. I've already done half my couch pushups. I did tell you that I'm doing couch push ups this week to build up for my counter pushups next week? Each week I'll get a little lower and lower until I get to the Real McCoy pushups! That's the plan.
I forgot about my ab work. You'd think this spare tire that is right in my way 24/7 would remind me. I'm going in just a momento to do some Russian twists or whatever they are called. Just sit on the floor, tilt backward a tad, bend your knees and pick up a set of light weights that are conveniently placed to the left of you. Now swing them to the right, then back to the left, etc... until you just CAN'T anymore. Keep the weights as close to your spare tire (or 6 pack if you have THAT. And if you do... we are no longer friends... just kiddin). If you let your arms get too far out from your belly it's bad for your back or something. I forget the Why part. Just that you gotta keep em in toward your belly. Oh, and suck in your belly whilst you do it. Stabilizes your back some too. So you do that, and I will go do it too, and we'll report back tomorrow... if we live thru it.
Oh - also I ditched 14 items today cause I let myself get behind. SOOOOO much easier to keep up with the Fling 5 deal, than to make up for lost time/items. If you get behind... get caught up as soon as you can. If you get ahead.... good for YOU!! BUT - you still have to ditch 5 more the next day. That's my rule for me anyway. You do what you want cause I'll never know anyway --_BUT if you want a home that isn't full of garbola, like mine currently is... then don't let anything get in the way of it. For the next 97 days anyway!!
I forgot about my ab work. You'd think this spare tire that is right in my way 24/7 would remind me. I'm going in just a momento to do some Russian twists or whatever they are called. Just sit on the floor, tilt backward a tad, bend your knees and pick up a set of light weights that are conveniently placed to the left of you. Now swing them to the right, then back to the left, etc... until you just CAN'T anymore. Keep the weights as close to your spare tire (or 6 pack if you have THAT. And if you do... we are no longer friends... just kiddin). If you let your arms get too far out from your belly it's bad for your back or something. I forget the Why part. Just that you gotta keep em in toward your belly. Oh, and suck in your belly whilst you do it. Stabilizes your back some too. So you do that, and I will go do it too, and we'll report back tomorrow... if we live thru it.
Oh - also I ditched 14 items today cause I let myself get behind. SOOOOO much easier to keep up with the Fling 5 deal, than to make up for lost time/items. If you get behind... get caught up as soon as you can. If you get ahead.... good for YOU!! BUT - you still have to ditch 5 more the next day. That's my rule for me anyway. You do what you want cause I'll never know anyway --_BUT if you want a home that isn't full of garbola, like mine currently is... then don't let anything get in the way of it. For the next 97 days anyway!!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
♪ 99 bottles of beer on the wall... 99 bottles of... ♫ I mean Bragg's Vinegar on the wall... 99 bottles of Bragg's.... ♫ Take one down, pass it around... no more friends in your life anymore.... ♪ Yep... friends don't let friends get all health conscious on them. BORING.... or so they tell me. Personally I don't have any health conscious friends. They all think I'm weird and I haven't been invited to dinner in AGES. Hmmm.....BUT ---- I'm gonna have a Healthy Party Friday night. Ya'll are invited. Over at Earl's place. We'll be eating oysters on the half shell and cheese grits and whatever else floats our fancy. Earl is the local oyster guy. He doesn't open shop until the END of September, cause the oysters aren't at their best until then. And Earl cares about BEST. And his place is always Packed because of it. And then he closes promptly on May 1st. So you see... us'ns here in THIS house have withdrawal for our oyster fixes for FOUR long months. And then, on the last Thursday of September... we get our bliss back. BUT everyone and their brother and sister and aunt and uncle and dog and fish and.... well -- it's pretty dern crowded on opening day, so we traditionally wait until the second day. Let him iron out all the kinks before we come in. It's gonna be GREAT!!! ~('o')~
Boy did I get off track there.... What I meant to say is --- it is day 99 of the hundred day challenge. Today is leg muscle day. And I already did 10 lunges. I'll do 10 more on the way to the kitchen in a few momentos. That's how I get my 50 a day in. Just 10 at a time... on the way to somewhere. Anywhere really. I'll do 10 more on my way out to the car later. I'll try to refrain in public. (tho once I did do a few duck squats in the frozen food section of Winn Dixie just to embarrass my daughter.) By the end of the day I'll have my 50 in! Good plan, eh? I'm going to think about incorporating Burpees in there too. Did you know --- Burpees use over 600 muscles. And one only takes about 5 seconds to do. So if I did 50 of those in a day... that'd be 250 seconds... or 4.17 minutes. Shoooooooot. I think I can sacrifice 4.17 (maybe I'll even give up the other 43 seconds too. I'm kind of wild and crazy like that) minutes of my day to stress out over 600 muscles ALL AT ONCE!!! MY kind of exercise! (639 muscles to be Exact.) (>‿◠)
Yesterday I spent 2 hours doing yard work for my elderly friend. None in my yard. Isn't that weird... Ya don't mind helping others out with mundane chores, but you just DREAD doing yer own. Or is that just me??
Clutter... OMG... I only just got rid of that one thing yesterday. The pot. Off I go then, to do 4 more for yesterday and 5 for today. I cannot be getting so behind this early in the game........... Good thing I have you to keep an eye on me!! I hope you are all sticking to your 100 day commitments too. Are you even trying? Am I REALLY just doing this alone? Talk to me peeps!!! Please?!! This is GOOD for you. I promise. In 100 days you are going to feel Amazing!!! And not just cause Santa came. That is IF he comes. Have you been good? Have you been making commitments and Sticking to them? If not - don't blame me if your tree skirt is bare! Just saying.........
Boy did I get off track there.... What I meant to say is --- it is day 99 of the hundred day challenge. Today is leg muscle day. And I already did 10 lunges. I'll do 10 more on the way to the kitchen in a few momentos. That's how I get my 50 a day in. Just 10 at a time... on the way to somewhere. Anywhere really. I'll do 10 more on my way out to the car later. I'll try to refrain in public. (tho once I did do a few duck squats in the frozen food section of Winn Dixie just to embarrass my daughter.) By the end of the day I'll have my 50 in! Good plan, eh? I'm going to think about incorporating Burpees in there too. Did you know --- Burpees use over 600 muscles. And one only takes about 5 seconds to do. So if I did 50 of those in a day... that'd be 250 seconds... or 4.17 minutes. Shoooooooot. I think I can sacrifice 4.17 (maybe I'll even give up the other 43 seconds too. I'm kind of wild and crazy like that) minutes of my day to stress out over 600 muscles ALL AT ONCE!!! MY kind of exercise! (639 muscles to be Exact.) (>‿◠)
Yesterday I spent 2 hours doing yard work for my elderly friend. None in my yard. Isn't that weird... Ya don't mind helping others out with mundane chores, but you just DREAD doing yer own. Or is that just me??
Clutter... OMG... I only just got rid of that one thing yesterday. The pot. Off I go then, to do 4 more for yesterday and 5 for today. I cannot be getting so behind this early in the game........... Good thing I have you to keep an eye on me!! I hope you are all sticking to your 100 day commitments too. Are you even trying? Am I REALLY just doing this alone? Talk to me peeps!!! Please?!! This is GOOD for you. I promise. In 100 days you are going to feel Amazing!!! And not just cause Santa came. That is IF he comes. Have you been good? Have you been making commitments and Sticking to them? If not - don't blame me if your tree skirt is bare! Just saying.........
Monday, September 23, 2013
100 Day Countdown
Day 100! (Counting backward here...)
I already did 25 push ups! I am doing Couch push ups this week. This will build strength gradually without hurting my back. That's the plan anyway. I intend to do 25 more later. 50 a day!!!
I also Tossed One. 4 to go.
I am currently baking squash. I love love love squash. All kinds. They are the answer to all your problems! Don't you wish? But they are soooo good for you. Chock full of a bunch of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. You can eat a TON of squash and not gain weight. MY kind of food!!
Discovered this morning that I can't whistle anymore. I MUST get my whistle back. This is bumming me out. I'll see if the WWW has any advice on that. Who loses a whistle? Is this normal? Don't answer that....
I already did 25 push ups! I am doing Couch push ups this week. This will build strength gradually without hurting my back. That's the plan anyway. I intend to do 25 more later. 50 a day!!!
I also Tossed One. 4 to go.
I am currently baking squash. I love love love squash. All kinds. They are the answer to all your problems! Don't you wish? But they are soooo good for you. Chock full of a bunch of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. You can eat a TON of squash and not gain weight. MY kind of food!!
Discovered this morning that I can't whistle anymore. I MUST get my whistle back. This is bumming me out. I'll see if the WWW has any advice on that. Who loses a whistle? Is this normal? Don't answer that....
Sunday, September 22, 2013
100 Day Challenges!!!
Tomorrow is the day. Are you ready? It marks the first of the last 100 days of 2013.
Think about that... if I had gotten serious about my fitness 100 days ago......Oh MANNNNN... I'd be lifting cars by now. Why lift cars? Just because I can?!! Or could... if I had Gotten with it!! OR I could be enjoying my beautifully decluttered home right now. OR I could be walking amongst the beauty in my yard .... I mean... NONE of those things would take more than 100 days to accomplish. But I have procrastinated -Yet Again. SO --- enough I say.
Starting tomorrow I am going to:
Get serious about my fitness. I WILL do arm strengthening exercises every other day (cept Sunday --- gotta have my day of rest!) I WILL do leg strengthening exercises every other day (Yep --- Sunday's off again.) I WILL do 3 exercises a day EVERY day that strengthens the abs. Not just to flatten them, but to build strength in them because Strong abs, reduces stress on the back. And Lord knows my back needs a break. And I KNOW exercises and stretches help - A LOT. But I've been lazy. Enough. Enough I say.
Also - starting tomorrow I WILL get back to my Fling 5 a day (get rid of 5 items either to charity, or trash) AND spend a minimum of 15 minutes a day decluttering. I PROMISE.
AND ---- Starting tomorrow I WILL spend a minimum of 3 hours a week working on my yard. Weeding, or trimming bushes, or SOMETHING. That is only one hour every other morning. Easy Schmeasy. And I know from experience that once I get started... I don't usually quit in just One hour. It's the STARTING that gets in my way.
SO --- those are MY 3 One Hundred Day challenges to myself. Can I do it? YES I CAN. Watch and see. Join me, PLEASE. We may as well all feel proud of ourselves Together!!! (⍲‿⍲)
Think about that... if I had gotten serious about my fitness 100 days ago......Oh MANNNNN... I'd be lifting cars by now. Why lift cars? Just because I can?!! Or could... if I had Gotten with it!! OR I could be enjoying my beautifully decluttered home right now. OR I could be walking amongst the beauty in my yard .... I mean... NONE of those things would take more than 100 days to accomplish. But I have procrastinated -Yet Again. SO --- enough I say.
Starting tomorrow I am going to:
Get serious about my fitness. I WILL do arm strengthening exercises every other day (cept Sunday --- gotta have my day of rest!) I WILL do leg strengthening exercises every other day (Yep --- Sunday's off again.) I WILL do 3 exercises a day EVERY day that strengthens the abs. Not just to flatten them, but to build strength in them because Strong abs, reduces stress on the back. And Lord knows my back needs a break. And I KNOW exercises and stretches help - A LOT. But I've been lazy. Enough. Enough I say.
Also - starting tomorrow I WILL get back to my Fling 5 a day (get rid of 5 items either to charity, or trash) AND spend a minimum of 15 minutes a day decluttering. I PROMISE.
AND ---- Starting tomorrow I WILL spend a minimum of 3 hours a week working on my yard. Weeding, or trimming bushes, or SOMETHING. That is only one hour every other morning. Easy Schmeasy. And I know from experience that once I get started... I don't usually quit in just One hour. It's the STARTING that gets in my way.
SO --- those are MY 3 One Hundred Day challenges to myself. Can I do it? YES I CAN. Watch and see. Join me, PLEASE. We may as well all feel proud of ourselves Together!!! (⍲‿⍲)
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
My Book!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Morning all. My editor told me yesterday that my book is ready. Ready on her end anyway. Now I have to do some reading and studying and figuring out how to get it onto Amazon. I'm told it is easy. Nothing is really ever easy in my world. But I am game to give 'er a go. Soon as I get it "viral" (as the Mister would say) I will let you know and I'd love for you to read and heed and let me know what you think. ツ
Have a Fabulous Tuesday! Every day for that matter. But for today... Tuesday!! ♥
Have a Fabulous Tuesday! Every day for that matter. But for today... Tuesday!! ♥
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Just wanted to ask you to join me in the 21 Days of Kindness challenge. I read about it on Facebook. It's pretty simple... Just do a kind deed Every day for 21 days. Make a conscience effort to go out of your way to be kinder than normal. I mean... of course NitaB and anyone associated with her is kind. That just goes without saying....... but this is a Be Kinder Than Usual sort of thing. Ok?
This started on Sept 11th. Two days past. But you can dive in right now. It's ok!!
Yesterday I texted a photo to my son-in-law of his dog looking longingly out the window, waiting for him to get home.... to cheer him up after a stressful day of work. And I made a donation to Locks of Love (but technically I won't be mailing that out until the 20th, after my daughter gets her Locks Loved off. My other daughter had hers cut last month for L of L as well.)
Today... I rooted through some NASTY garbage, looking for a lost item for an elderly friend of mine. When I finished picking (Ewwww.....), I was washing up and she said, "Oh there you are. Where have you been? I found it in my chair!" Where have I been? Where have I been? Oh My Goodness. Gotta love her!!!♥
I'd love to hear about your Kind Deeds as well!!!!
Just wanted to ask you to join me in the 21 Days of Kindness challenge. I read about it on Facebook. It's pretty simple... Just do a kind deed Every day for 21 days. Make a conscience effort to go out of your way to be kinder than normal. I mean... of course NitaB and anyone associated with her is kind. That just goes without saying....... but this is a Be Kinder Than Usual sort of thing. Ok?
This started on Sept 11th. Two days past. But you can dive in right now. It's ok!!
Yesterday I texted a photo to my son-in-law of his dog looking longingly out the window, waiting for him to get home.... to cheer him up after a stressful day of work. And I made a donation to Locks of Love (but technically I won't be mailing that out until the 20th, after my daughter gets her Locks Loved off. My other daughter had hers cut last month for L of L as well.)
Today... I rooted through some NASTY garbage, looking for a lost item for an elderly friend of mine. When I finished picking (Ewwww.....), I was washing up and she said, "Oh there you are. Where have you been? I found it in my chair!" Where have I been? Where have I been? Oh My Goodness. Gotta love her!!!♥
I'd love to hear about your Kind Deeds as well!!!!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Morning everyone!!!
I've been up in Michigan for a few weeks, visiting my dad (who is not doing so well, bless his heart) and my sister (who has her hands Overly full -- but we had a very nice time), and my BFF from elementary school whom I haven't seen in over 40 years, but it was as if no time had passed. We behaved as normal ten year olds again and let the good times roll!!!
So it was overall a nice trip, mixed with a bit of sadness. I guess that's how life just is. Can't be all good. But Dang Nab it... that's how I Want it!! (◠‿◠)
I shall try to become more regular on here. I've been learning so many cool things that I want to share with you. Like, how to ride an Ezyroller, and how to make Vietnamese Sour Soup, and how to collect Beautimous Rocks......... and how to just enjoy life. Course you probably already have some of that figured out. But I'm gonna let ya know how it is NitaB style...!!! (-‿0) ♥ ♥ ♥
I've been up in Michigan for a few weeks, visiting my dad (who is not doing so well, bless his heart) and my sister (who has her hands Overly full -- but we had a very nice time), and my BFF from elementary school whom I haven't seen in over 40 years, but it was as if no time had passed. We behaved as normal ten year olds again and let the good times roll!!!
So it was overall a nice trip, mixed with a bit of sadness. I guess that's how life just is. Can't be all good. But Dang Nab it... that's how I Want it!! (◠‿◠)
I shall try to become more regular on here. I've been learning so many cool things that I want to share with you. Like, how to ride an Ezyroller, and how to make Vietnamese Sour Soup, and how to collect Beautimous Rocks......... and how to just enjoy life. Course you probably already have some of that figured out. But I'm gonna let ya know how it is NitaB style...!!! (-‿0) ♥ ♥ ♥
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