Day 100! (Counting backward here...)
I already did 25 push ups! I am doing Couch push ups this week. This will build strength gradually without hurting my back. That's the plan anyway. I intend to do 25 more later. 50 a day!!!
I also Tossed One. 4 to go.
I am currently baking squash. I love love love squash. All kinds. They are the answer to all your problems! Don't you wish? But they are soooo good for you. Chock full of a bunch of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. You can eat a TON of squash and not gain weight. MY kind of food!!
Discovered this morning that I can't whistle anymore. I MUST get my whistle back. This is bumming me out. I'll see if the WWW has any advice on that. Who loses a whistle? Is this normal? Don't answer that....
Way to go Nita! Start, persevere, do it until!