Hope you all had a Merry day! I sure did. My girlies and my SIL came over and we ate, and took awesome pictures, and opened gifts and picked on the cat (always the highlight of our day!) Now it's quiet. The quiet hurts my ears. I could go turn on the Stereo but I'm too lazy. I could go pester the Mister, who is watching reruns of Duck Dynasty. Too lazy for that too. I could be studying my course.... how to write better and faster and smarter and.... I can't get the program to open. Story of my life. This course is going to teach me how to manipulate this computer better, in regards to writing.... but I can't manipulate it enough to Get To the Program. Is there any hope for me???
I'm also in the midst of a Diet/Exercise plan. (I am always in the midst of something. I get bored and jump on board with something else.) But this one is showing me Exactly HOW MUCH protein I need to be eating in each meal (based on my body weight and such) and exactly how many grams of carbs, and grams of fat. And guess what? I'm not getting anywhere NEAR enough protein. I mean, I was only getting about a fourth of what I need. So I am stepping it up! And I dare say, I think it is making a difference! Haven't lost any weight, but I am getting stronger (guess that's what happens when you stick to a mild weight lifting regimen. And I am able to skip my naps most of the time. Meaning... more energy. I'm pretty thrilled about that!! I told the Mister that all I wanted for Christmas was TIME. More time in each day to do all the things I love to do. Write and sew and declutter (actually I Do love to do that.... Once I get started. It's the starting that is the hard part.) and work in the yard, and visit friends, and exercise, and volunteer, and research on the web, and, and, and..... Oh yeah... sleep. I do love to sleep. But it cuts into all that other stuff. What's a NitaB to do??? Guess I'll just do my best to utilize my 24 hours wisely and Enjoy the heck out of all of them. Sounds like a plan!!
Are you working on your New Year's Resolutions yet? I am ... before the New Year. Whatcha think about that? Jump start. And the starting part is the hard part - for me... so I am excited to be able to say, My New Years resolutions are to stick to the plans I started working on Two Weeks ago. I think I may stick to them this time!!! Want to join me? You still have almost a week left to get your jump start going!!!!
Enjoy the rest of your Blessed Christmas Day, and I'll talk to you later.... in the New Year!!! :)
Just random little slices of every day happenings in the Crazy little Life of NitaB!!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
My FREE Book Days!
November 29 & 30. Freebie days!!
Hadda get that down before I forgot it. Give me two minutes........and Whooooshhhh.... gone...
Anyway - I had a request for a freebie book deal on my "Humor For the Random Soul" e-book, as it appears that other countries are charged a surcharge or something. I am going to check into that because I think I can do something on my end to eliminate that maybe? My friend, and excellent writer, Michal was talking about it. I need to read and HEED his advice more often! I am so technically challenged that it took me forever to figure out... although Amazon makes it very easy if you know how to READ. Geez......... a writer who can't read. Or comprehend. Or something. But it is figured out and set up and You and anyone who has some Random time on their hands this weekend please feel free to get my book FREE from Amazon (kindle version --- which you can download to your computer or phone or I-pad or anything electronic). Oh --- the dates are Nov. 29th and Nov. 30th!! Please share this info with all your friends, and Please... please... please.... leave a review on Amazon for me. It helps me see that people are reading it, and encourages me to work harder on my next book.
Speaking of which... I have sort of started it. It is a random mess right now (more than usual) and I'm trying to organize it and serious it up a little. I want this next one to be more useful. You know? Like, really Deliver some Usefulness to my readers. But for now... some helpful tips that I will be sharing --- and you get to see it here first!! Lemme know whatcha think:
So I was surfing the web, just minding my own bizzwax, when I saw a "male model" wearing what I thought was Spanx. That underwear that holds all your 'not so desirable' excesses into a neat little bundle, so you appear shapely. I think that's what it's for - I got me a knock off brand once and COULD NOT get into it. Must be some trick. Maybe I needed a bigger size? A bigger crowbar? It was XL though. That OUGHT to be big enough, eh? So I was thinking that it is not fair that women feel this need to pack themselves up into a little uncomfortable tight little mass --- and men get to leave it all hang out and that is actually acceptable. Heck, it is even acceptable by me. I don't care if the Mister is a bit out of shape, but I want ME to look --- fit. Thus, the "Spanx-like" undie torture. Anyway I was glad to see a male model feeling the need to 'get it together.' But no... turns out that he was wearing Shreddies. Or --- ready for this??? FART diffusion underwear. Can be worn by men or women. And then... you can fart away and no one will be the wiser! You can Google it if you so desire. I'll put more details in the book about them, but Can you believe that? Fart Filtering Underwear. Seems like a good idea, but they are EXPENSIVE and the ones who need them the most (in my life) would Never wear them because they appear tight and uncomfortable. Course I'm not meaning to say Spanx is uncomfy. They just look like they would be. And I read somewhere else, that they are Not Good for you. I kind of figured that out on my own. Especially when I couldn't even get into mine and had to spend a month with a therapist over that little blues-fest!! But that's a tale for another day.
So - what do you think? My next book is going to introduce my readers to lots of unusual but potentially Life-Altering/improving info!! Amazing Weird Inventions that make you say --- Why didn't I think of that? Or maybe it'll be Tales From the Tree house... IF I ever get my Tree house. I am beginning to think that I'm going to have to build it myself. It'll need an alarm in it with a direct link to 911. I tend to trip just walking across the yard. Tripping up there.... could be a little more adventurous - to say the least!
Gotta get over to Margueritta's house. We're doing lunch at the park, with Ugly. I'll tell you about him one day. He's a duck. MEAN, mean, mean Duck.... and ugly to boot!
Have a great day... and Happy Thanksgiving Week!!!
November 29 & 30. Freebie days!!
Hadda get that down before I forgot it. Give me two minutes........and Whooooshhhh.... gone...
Anyway - I had a request for a freebie book deal on my "Humor For the Random Soul" e-book, as it appears that other countries are charged a surcharge or something. I am going to check into that because I think I can do something on my end to eliminate that maybe? My friend, and excellent writer, Michal was talking about it. I need to read and HEED his advice more often! I am so technically challenged that it took me forever to figure out... although Amazon makes it very easy if you know how to READ. Geez......... a writer who can't read. Or comprehend. Or something. But it is figured out and set up and You and anyone who has some Random time on their hands this weekend please feel free to get my book FREE from Amazon (kindle version --- which you can download to your computer or phone or I-pad or anything electronic). Oh --- the dates are Nov. 29th and Nov. 30th!! Please share this info with all your friends, and Please... please... please.... leave a review on Amazon for me. It helps me see that people are reading it, and encourages me to work harder on my next book.
Speaking of which... I have sort of started it. It is a random mess right now (more than usual) and I'm trying to organize it and serious it up a little. I want this next one to be more useful. You know? Like, really Deliver some Usefulness to my readers. But for now... some helpful tips that I will be sharing --- and you get to see it here first!! Lemme know whatcha think:
So I was surfing the web, just minding my own bizzwax, when I saw a "male model" wearing what I thought was Spanx. That underwear that holds all your 'not so desirable' excesses into a neat little bundle, so you appear shapely. I think that's what it's for - I got me a knock off brand once and COULD NOT get into it. Must be some trick. Maybe I needed a bigger size? A bigger crowbar? It was XL though. That OUGHT to be big enough, eh? So I was thinking that it is not fair that women feel this need to pack themselves up into a little uncomfortable tight little mass --- and men get to leave it all hang out and that is actually acceptable. Heck, it is even acceptable by me. I don't care if the Mister is a bit out of shape, but I want ME to look --- fit. Thus, the "Spanx-like" undie torture. Anyway I was glad to see a male model feeling the need to 'get it together.' But no... turns out that he was wearing Shreddies. Or --- ready for this??? FART diffusion underwear. Can be worn by men or women. And then... you can fart away and no one will be the wiser! You can Google it if you so desire. I'll put more details in the book about them, but Can you believe that? Fart Filtering Underwear. Seems like a good idea, but they are EXPENSIVE and the ones who need them the most (in my life) would Never wear them because they appear tight and uncomfortable. Course I'm not meaning to say Spanx is uncomfy. They just look like they would be. And I read somewhere else, that they are Not Good for you. I kind of figured that out on my own. Especially when I couldn't even get into mine and had to spend a month with a therapist over that little blues-fest!! But that's a tale for another day.
So - what do you think? My next book is going to introduce my readers to lots of unusual but potentially Life-Altering/improving info!! Amazing Weird Inventions that make you say --- Why didn't I think of that? Or maybe it'll be Tales From the Tree house... IF I ever get my Tree house. I am beginning to think that I'm going to have to build it myself. It'll need an alarm in it with a direct link to 911. I tend to trip just walking across the yard. Tripping up there.... could be a little more adventurous - to say the least!
Gotta get over to Margueritta's house. We're doing lunch at the park, with Ugly. I'll tell you about him one day. He's a duck. MEAN, mean, mean Duck.... and ugly to boot!
Have a great day... and Happy Thanksgiving Week!!!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Up Up and Away -- In my beautiful Balloon!!!
Morning! GUESS WHAT I DID last night? I went up in a hot air balloon!!! And it was free! A local realty agency in town (just happens to be the one my daughter and SIL are going to be renting from) sponsored free balloon rides for Veterans Day!! So the 4 of us went on downtown and hopped aboard!! It was FUN. Now I will tell ya, it was tethered. So we couldn't get REAL high. But it was still amazing! I'll put some pics on my FB page for you later. I forgot my camera, so they are in the Mister's phone. Might be a while. But it was pretty cool!! AND then we went to a local restaurant and had a FREE dinner. Free is so nice. If you ever start a business.... hand out some freebies, eh? Speaking of which... I think I'll go out to Amazon and offer up my "Humor for the Random Soul" book, for FREE again. I did it once before. Ya can't get rich doing such things, but I don't know what I'd do with riches anyway. Well, I'd figure it out if I HAD to... but for now, my random brain doesn't need more to think about! But Free is fun. And I'm all about fun, so I'mma give away my book. Wheeeeeeeeeee! ( I know. I know... there are drugs for people like me.... But I can't afford them. Lucky you!!!) (>‿◠)
Monday, November 11, 2013
I'm trying... hang in there!
Wanted to share some things I read this morning. One being:
It was an analogy about a boat in the ocean. (I L♥ve analogies.) A tiny boat on a Huge Ocean is fine, as long as the waters don't start getting rough and start getting inside. Same way in life. Rough as things may be sometimes, if we stay strong Inside, the outside can't hurt us. As much. It's just really hard to keep the outside from getting in sometimes. But we just have to try to weather the storms and pull on our inner strength to get to the sunny side again. And unlike that tiny boat --- we are never really truly alone. We have God's strength within us. He won't let us drown, if we pull on His strength when ours may falter. ♥o♥ (that's supposed to be a smile there. I'm not that good at making faces yet. Well, not on here anyway. The Mister says I'm VERY good at making faces.... but I don't listen to him much, and you shouldn't either! -.O ) That's a wink.... Sad, that I have to explain my "faces". Moving on............
Starting a Pilates fest today. Pilates, to me, is Yoga on steroids. I prefer yoga. BUT a friend was talking about how she gets up at 5:30 in the a.m. to do Pilates. Geez.... So I tried it. Got up at 6:30a.m. (hey --- I tried. Set the alarm for 5:30 but it just didn't work out. I'd probably still be there, but the Mister said, "Really woman. This is my day off!" ooopsie. I got up then! I'd already pushed my luck enough at 4a.m. when I took my "hugger" pillow and rolled over with it. He SAID it was his "hugger" pillow that I Stole right out of his hug. I told him to hush and go to sleep. He kept wimpering (yes, he was) about his pillow and how many pillows did I need anyway... blah blah blah... So I felt around on the floor....................... and there............ was ....... my....... pillow. Ooopsie again! I told him he could have the hugger pillow back. He said, "OH, Found your own, eh?" Hush Mister..... !
So today I'm off to give Pilates a try again. I'll write you from the hospital if it doesn't work out!! Have a nice Veterans Day!!!!! I'm a Veteran, ya know. And so glad I put myself into such good company!!! It's kind of weird when people say, "Thank you for your service." Shoot... I'm just glad they LET me serve. They almost didn't ya know. Cause I'd spent the first half of my life, practically deaf. Turns out I just had massive wax build-up. It was SOOOO weird being able to actually Hear! But some things I was glad that I couldn't hear too well.... God knew full well what He was doing. Course clearing out my ears just so I could hear the drill sergeant Yell "BEAUMONT!! STOP Bouncing. March Properly." ..... ? I coulda used a little muffling for that. And just for the record, I wasn't bouncing. He just hated me. Well, no, he didn't. Once he pulled me out of formation.... to yell at me for bouncing AGAIN.... and I stood there, and he stared at me a while, then started laughing. WHY? I do not know. Guess I'm just funny looking. He sent me away, "Just go."
"But Quit Bouncing!" Wait, no... he called it Bobbing. Quit Bobbing. Yeah. I think I don't bob anymore. Not really sure................. But Anyway ------------ I can't avoid the Pilates forever.......... so --- NitaB out.........
It was an analogy about a boat in the ocean. (I L♥ve analogies.) A tiny boat on a Huge Ocean is fine, as long as the waters don't start getting rough and start getting inside. Same way in life. Rough as things may be sometimes, if we stay strong Inside, the outside can't hurt us. As much. It's just really hard to keep the outside from getting in sometimes. But we just have to try to weather the storms and pull on our inner strength to get to the sunny side again. And unlike that tiny boat --- we are never really truly alone. We have God's strength within us. He won't let us drown, if we pull on His strength when ours may falter. ♥o♥ (that's supposed to be a smile there. I'm not that good at making faces yet. Well, not on here anyway. The Mister says I'm VERY good at making faces.... but I don't listen to him much, and you shouldn't either! -.O ) That's a wink.... Sad, that I have to explain my "faces". Moving on............
Starting a Pilates fest today. Pilates, to me, is Yoga on steroids. I prefer yoga. BUT a friend was talking about how she gets up at 5:30 in the a.m. to do Pilates. Geez.... So I tried it. Got up at 6:30a.m. (hey --- I tried. Set the alarm for 5:30 but it just didn't work out. I'd probably still be there, but the Mister said, "Really woman. This is my day off!" ooopsie. I got up then! I'd already pushed my luck enough at 4a.m. when I took my "hugger" pillow and rolled over with it. He SAID it was his "hugger" pillow that I Stole right out of his hug. I told him to hush and go to sleep. He kept wimpering (yes, he was) about his pillow and how many pillows did I need anyway... blah blah blah... So I felt around on the floor....................... and there............ was ....... my....... pillow. Ooopsie again! I told him he could have the hugger pillow back. He said, "OH, Found your own, eh?" Hush Mister..... !
So today I'm off to give Pilates a try again. I'll write you from the hospital if it doesn't work out!! Have a nice Veterans Day!!!!! I'm a Veteran, ya know. And so glad I put myself into such good company!!! It's kind of weird when people say, "Thank you for your service." Shoot... I'm just glad they LET me serve. They almost didn't ya know. Cause I'd spent the first half of my life, practically deaf. Turns out I just had massive wax build-up. It was SOOOO weird being able to actually Hear! But some things I was glad that I couldn't hear too well.... God knew full well what He was doing. Course clearing out my ears just so I could hear the drill sergeant Yell "BEAUMONT!! STOP Bouncing. March Properly." ..... ? I coulda used a little muffling for that. And just for the record, I wasn't bouncing. He just hated me. Well, no, he didn't. Once he pulled me out of formation.... to yell at me for bouncing AGAIN.... and I stood there, and he stared at me a while, then started laughing. WHY? I do not know. Guess I'm just funny looking. He sent me away, "Just go."
"But Quit Bouncing!" Wait, no... he called it Bobbing. Quit Bobbing. Yeah. I think I don't bob anymore. Not really sure................. But Anyway ------------ I can't avoid the Pilates forever.......... so --- NitaB out.........
Thursday, October 17, 2013
To eat, or not to sleep... that is the question. I think. Maybe....
Just wondering something.... I've been reading about things that are good to eat before bed, to help you sleep. Bananas, cottage cheese, cherries, cereal, milk. Noticing anything here? Most of these are traditional breakfast foods. Sooooo.... should we be eating things that help us sleep - first thing in the morning? No wonder I'm tired all day!!! Also, they say that keeping your protein levels higher is a good plan for energy. Yet, cottage cheese, turkey, and greasy foods like hamburgers, cheeses, etc... are protein foods. They are good at bedtime. Well, not the greasy stuff.... (the chin dribble might stain yer pillow.) So what is a fatiqued fool to do? Eat this to sleep, but also eat it for energy........... STOP IT you "experts"! Just STOP IT! I'm tired. Tired and Ornery! No patience for waiting for ya'll to make up your minds. Get serious, eh? I need some pep!! And I need it now!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Destined for Destin
I am sooooo glad my daughter moved back to town!!! Besides the fact that she is fun and funny and sweet and etc.... she likes to HIKE, like me. And last week she was at the hospital visiting a friend and when she was in the waiting room, she flipped through a travel magazine and saw a "favorite hiking spots" article, and some of them were.... right up the road from our house!!!
So today we went to the one in Destin. Destin, Florida is only about 30 miles from our front door!!! Maybe 40. But definitely CLOSE! So we went on down there, to Henderson Beach State Park and we hiked around the trail off the beach. It was pretty cool. If you looked off to your right, you saw condos reaching up to the sky. To your left was the beautiful Emerald Coast (Destin Beach) and straight ahead was a sandy trail with awesome plants and varmints (just the little dinosaur looking lizards) all around. We walked the trail, taking pictures, and videos and enjoying the amazingness of it all (Photos on Facebook --- Videos on Youtube... soon...). It was only 3/4ths of a mile, so --- we walked it Twice!! It was amazing both times. I highly recommend this little trail. Very enjoyable.
Then we walked about a half mile down to Destin Beach. It was beautiful as always. The water was emerald green, the sand pure white, and sooo clean, the sand was squeeking. Always pleasant down there.
And we ate at Floyd's for lunch. Sat out on the deck, overlooking the water. Nice little breeze. Perfect. We had a shrimp dip of some sort that was DELISH!! And blackened shrimp tacos. I am not a blackened kind of person, but these were not Overly blackened, so they were Good too!
Triple Treat again. Excellent trail, excellent beach, excellent lunch, excellent company... wait - that's 4. What's the word for four??? Quad Treat. Ohhhhh..... so blessed!!!!! Love it!!!!
So today we went to the one in Destin. Destin, Florida is only about 30 miles from our front door!!! Maybe 40. But definitely CLOSE! So we went on down there, to Henderson Beach State Park and we hiked around the trail off the beach. It was pretty cool. If you looked off to your right, you saw condos reaching up to the sky. To your left was the beautiful Emerald Coast (Destin Beach) and straight ahead was a sandy trail with awesome plants and varmints (just the little dinosaur looking lizards) all around. We walked the trail, taking pictures, and videos and enjoying the amazingness of it all (Photos on Facebook --- Videos on Youtube... soon...). It was only 3/4ths of a mile, so --- we walked it Twice!! It was amazing both times. I highly recommend this little trail. Very enjoyable.
Then we walked about a half mile down to Destin Beach. It was beautiful as always. The water was emerald green, the sand pure white, and sooo clean, the sand was squeeking. Always pleasant down there.
And we ate at Floyd's for lunch. Sat out on the deck, overlooking the water. Nice little breeze. Perfect. We had a shrimp dip of some sort that was DELISH!! And blackened shrimp tacos. I am not a blackened kind of person, but these were not Overly blackened, so they were Good too!
Triple Treat again. Excellent trail, excellent beach, excellent lunch, excellent company... wait - that's 4. What's the word for four??? Quad Treat. Ohhhhh..... so blessed!!!!! Love it!!!!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Triple Treat
Yesterday I had a triple whammy. Of goodness!!
My daughter discovered a local pet store that has been there for months and I never even knew it. It is a wonderful place to spend some time. They have everything under the sun in there. Even Moose antlers. For dogs to chew on! I can't even remember what all they have in there. But it has your basics (organic - Good for your loved ones) food, and treats. Homemade treats... pure natural ingredients. There are Unusual things as well, like Catnip bubbles. I snatched up one of those!!! And did Lil absolutely love them? No, No she did not. I told her they smell like catnip. They were floating all around her and one even landed on her. She sat there... un-amused. Well, I thought it was a cool idea. I'll try it with my daughter's cat and see how that goes. Someone better like these catnip bubbles besides me!
I also went into the local Asian grocery store. It's been there a while also, but I didn't know about it. Marketing.... very important. But anyway... it was a small store but had a lot of interesting (and gross) things in there. I bought some sweet potato noodles. I was looking for seaweed noodles. But this was as close as I could get for now. I haven't fixed any yet. But I'll keep ya posted. They are green. Hmmm.... I checked the label. Nothing in there but sweet potatoes and starch. Is starch green? I don't think so.... I'll get to the bottom of this one day.......... maybe.
And I ate at an Asian restaurant. Local as well. I knew it was there but I was afraid to go in. I heard they were full of RAW fish and such. Sushi. Ewww.... My daughter MADE me try some. I resisted and twisted and plugged my nose and closed my eyes and --- I liked it!! It didn't taste raw at all. How do you make raw fish taste cooked? I'll get to the bottom of that too... one of these days. I will, cause it really has me intrigued.
So there ya have it. Triple Treat all in one day. I hope that was legal. ๏̯͡๏
My daughter discovered a local pet store that has been there for months and I never even knew it. It is a wonderful place to spend some time. They have everything under the sun in there. Even Moose antlers. For dogs to chew on! I can't even remember what all they have in there. But it has your basics (organic - Good for your loved ones) food, and treats. Homemade treats... pure natural ingredients. There are Unusual things as well, like Catnip bubbles. I snatched up one of those!!! And did Lil absolutely love them? No, No she did not. I told her they smell like catnip. They were floating all around her and one even landed on her. She sat there... un-amused. Well, I thought it was a cool idea. I'll try it with my daughter's cat and see how that goes. Someone better like these catnip bubbles besides me!
I also went into the local Asian grocery store. It's been there a while also, but I didn't know about it. Marketing.... very important. But anyway... it was a small store but had a lot of interesting (and gross) things in there. I bought some sweet potato noodles. I was looking for seaweed noodles. But this was as close as I could get for now. I haven't fixed any yet. But I'll keep ya posted. They are green. Hmmm.... I checked the label. Nothing in there but sweet potatoes and starch. Is starch green? I don't think so.... I'll get to the bottom of this one day.......... maybe.
And I ate at an Asian restaurant. Local as well. I knew it was there but I was afraid to go in. I heard they were full of RAW fish and such. Sushi. Ewww.... My daughter MADE me try some. I resisted and twisted and plugged my nose and closed my eyes and --- I liked it!! It didn't taste raw at all. How do you make raw fish taste cooked? I'll get to the bottom of that too... one of these days. I will, cause it really has me intrigued.
So there ya have it. Triple Treat all in one day. I hope that was legal. ๏̯͡๏
Monday, September 30, 2013
Twitter Tweet. Get it? Trick or treat? ... never mind...
<a href="https://twitter.com/NitaGB" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false" data-size="large">Follow @NitaGB</a>
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NitaB attempts a cartwheel for the first time in 52 years!
I did it!!! Well, sort of... but YAY!!!! I can't believe I even tried. It is such a COOL feeling, to overcome a fear!! And not break any bones in the process!!! Tho I have had a major headache ever since. Think I jostled up my brain a bit too much....??? :)
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Day 95, and I'm here to tell you --- do NOT procrastinate. Cause playing catch - up is exhausting. I hadn't done any of my 3 hours of yard work this week... and I was almost out of week.......... so I went out to do my 3 hours.... and 9 hours later....... I quit. One thing led to another and.......... I am beat. But the front yard looks great!
I also had some cartwheel lessons today. Tomorrow is National Cartwheel day! For my Transformation Contest (TC) group anyway. We made a pact months ago that we would have a cartwheel competition the end of September. Well, it's the end. Eeeeeeek! I have Never done a cartwheel in my life. I just couldn't. They scare me. Seems like I'm gonna drop on my head or something. Scary scary scary. But my daughter said, Lose the Fear. Anyone can do a cartwheel. Hmmm..... I made about 65 attempts. It wasn't pretty. I did get about 3 of them Close. I'll practice some more tomorrow and then ---- it shall be forever recorded and submitted to the contest. I really haven't a prayer of winning.... (I mean - some of these peeps are trainers and fitness buffs.) I'm not going to use the 'age card' but I am a little older than most of my competition. Not that that matters. No siree. I may just win this thing!! We'll see tomorrow! '◡'
I also had some cartwheel lessons today. Tomorrow is National Cartwheel day! For my Transformation Contest (TC) group anyway. We made a pact months ago that we would have a cartwheel competition the end of September. Well, it's the end. Eeeeeeek! I have Never done a cartwheel in my life. I just couldn't. They scare me. Seems like I'm gonna drop on my head or something. Scary scary scary. But my daughter said, Lose the Fear. Anyone can do a cartwheel. Hmmm..... I made about 65 attempts. It wasn't pretty. I did get about 3 of them Close. I'll practice some more tomorrow and then ---- it shall be forever recorded and submitted to the contest. I really haven't a prayer of winning.... (I mean - some of these peeps are trainers and fitness buffs.) I'm not going to use the 'age card' but I am a little older than most of my competition. Not that that matters. No siree. I may just win this thing!! We'll see tomorrow! '◡'
Friday, September 27, 2013
Day 96!! Did my couch pushups while watching Family Feud (my daughter had it on. I don't watch daytime TV) The question was: Name something of yours that you swear is possessed. Number one answer: Children! Hahahaha..... Number 3 was Pet. I know that's right. My possessed daughter brought home a possessed cat that my possessed spouse fell in love with and now he sends me pictures on my possessed phone of her doing possessed things like flipping the bird (true story). But bottom line -- I guessed 6 of the 8 correct responses which means I need to go on that show and quit doing pushups.
I also did 6 pullups. Cheater ones with a springy strap to help propel me up. But hey --- I'll get there... one day.
I got completely caught up on my Toss 5. I was behind by a couple days. But I currently have tossed 25 things this week. Books, couch pillows (and yet I still have TOO many), clothes (still have too many of those too) and lets not forget the POT that started this all off!! One thing I tossed today was a bottle of Hair Goo stuff that claimed it would give your hair that "lived-in" look. What the heebies is a lived-in look? I hope I already Have that look. I do Live in this hair already!!
Abs... Ok, I've put that off long enough............ off to do some planking. While watching Shark Tanking. Do you love that show, Shark Tank? I do. I'm gonna be ON it one day!!
NitaB book sales... not so impressive. But I'll get there. Patience.... patience.... patience.... That's kind of like Ohmmmm.... ohmmmm...ohmmmm.... in yoga!!
I also did 6 pullups. Cheater ones with a springy strap to help propel me up. But hey --- I'll get there... one day.
I got completely caught up on my Toss 5. I was behind by a couple days. But I currently have tossed 25 things this week. Books, couch pillows (and yet I still have TOO many), clothes (still have too many of those too) and lets not forget the POT that started this all off!! One thing I tossed today was a bottle of Hair Goo stuff that claimed it would give your hair that "lived-in" look. What the heebies is a lived-in look? I hope I already Have that look. I do Live in this hair already!!
Abs... Ok, I've put that off long enough............ off to do some planking. While watching Shark Tanking. Do you love that show, Shark Tank? I do. I'm gonna be ON it one day!!
NitaB book sales... not so impressive. But I'll get there. Patience.... patience.... patience.... That's kind of like Ohmmmm.... ohmmmm...ohmmmm.... in yoga!!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Day 97. Did my lunges...! Yay! I wasn't saying Yay at the time, but it's always a good thing afterward!
Got all caught up on my Flinging. Whew. I hate flinging. But this morning I made sure I tossed 5 things before I even left the bedroom! I'm going to try to do that every morning. Get it over with straight out of the starting block!!
Did some ab stuff. Not enough... I still have a roll. Blahhhhhh..... Rolls are tough to concur cause those key lime pies are just SOOOO good. What? Me? No, I haven't been eating KLP. Well, just a bite. Honest - it was Just a bite. We went to Earl's for oysters!!! I know I said it would be Friday, but we couldn't stand it. We hadda go! So we filled to capacity and Beyond. But I had to cleanse my pallet... (Oysters are yummy but they stink. So I imagine my breath was strong enough to lift a house, so I had to cleanse it.) So my little server girl brought me the tiniest slice of Key Lime pie. Sliver. But NOW I am craving MORE. Driving me crazy. Maybe I'll call my little server girl and see if she'll... no... I better not. Pays to have a daughter who is a little server girl. (we like to call her that cause she hates it!)
Oh --- can't believe I almost forgot this --- I PUBLISHED MY BOOK TODAY!!! Is this exciting or What??!!!! IF you get a chance, I'd love for you to give it a read and let me know what you think!!

Got all caught up on my Flinging. Whew. I hate flinging. But this morning I made sure I tossed 5 things before I even left the bedroom! I'm going to try to do that every morning. Get it over with straight out of the starting block!!
Did some ab stuff. Not enough... I still have a roll. Blahhhhhh..... Rolls are tough to concur cause those key lime pies are just SOOOO good. What? Me? No, I haven't been eating KLP. Well, just a bite. Honest - it was Just a bite. We went to Earl's for oysters!!! I know I said it would be Friday, but we couldn't stand it. We hadda go! So we filled to capacity and Beyond. But I had to cleanse my pallet... (Oysters are yummy but they stink. So I imagine my breath was strong enough to lift a house, so I had to cleanse it.) So my little server girl brought me the tiniest slice of Key Lime pie. Sliver. But NOW I am craving MORE. Driving me crazy. Maybe I'll call my little server girl and see if she'll... no... I better not. Pays to have a daughter who is a little server girl. (we like to call her that cause she hates it!)
Oh --- can't believe I almost forgot this --- I PUBLISHED MY BOOK TODAY!!! Is this exciting or What??!!!! IF you get a chance, I'd love for you to give it a read and let me know what you think!!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Day 98. I've already done half my couch pushups. I did tell you that I'm doing couch push ups this week to build up for my counter pushups next week? Each week I'll get a little lower and lower until I get to the Real McCoy pushups! That's the plan.
I forgot about my ab work. You'd think this spare tire that is right in my way 24/7 would remind me. I'm going in just a momento to do some Russian twists or whatever they are called. Just sit on the floor, tilt backward a tad, bend your knees and pick up a set of light weights that are conveniently placed to the left of you. Now swing them to the right, then back to the left, etc... until you just CAN'T anymore. Keep the weights as close to your spare tire (or 6 pack if you have THAT. And if you do... we are no longer friends... just kiddin). If you let your arms get too far out from your belly it's bad for your back or something. I forget the Why part. Just that you gotta keep em in toward your belly. Oh, and suck in your belly whilst you do it. Stabilizes your back some too. So you do that, and I will go do it too, and we'll report back tomorrow... if we live thru it.
Oh - also I ditched 14 items today cause I let myself get behind. SOOOOO much easier to keep up with the Fling 5 deal, than to make up for lost time/items. If you get behind... get caught up as soon as you can. If you get ahead.... good for YOU!! BUT - you still have to ditch 5 more the next day. That's my rule for me anyway. You do what you want cause I'll never know anyway --_BUT if you want a home that isn't full of garbola, like mine currently is... then don't let anything get in the way of it. For the next 97 days anyway!!
I forgot about my ab work. You'd think this spare tire that is right in my way 24/7 would remind me. I'm going in just a momento to do some Russian twists or whatever they are called. Just sit on the floor, tilt backward a tad, bend your knees and pick up a set of light weights that are conveniently placed to the left of you. Now swing them to the right, then back to the left, etc... until you just CAN'T anymore. Keep the weights as close to your spare tire (or 6 pack if you have THAT. And if you do... we are no longer friends... just kiddin). If you let your arms get too far out from your belly it's bad for your back or something. I forget the Why part. Just that you gotta keep em in toward your belly. Oh, and suck in your belly whilst you do it. Stabilizes your back some too. So you do that, and I will go do it too, and we'll report back tomorrow... if we live thru it.
Oh - also I ditched 14 items today cause I let myself get behind. SOOOOO much easier to keep up with the Fling 5 deal, than to make up for lost time/items. If you get behind... get caught up as soon as you can. If you get ahead.... good for YOU!! BUT - you still have to ditch 5 more the next day. That's my rule for me anyway. You do what you want cause I'll never know anyway --_BUT if you want a home that isn't full of garbola, like mine currently is... then don't let anything get in the way of it. For the next 97 days anyway!!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
♪ 99 bottles of beer on the wall... 99 bottles of... ♫ I mean Bragg's Vinegar on the wall... 99 bottles of Bragg's.... ♫ Take one down, pass it around... no more friends in your life anymore.... ♪ Yep... friends don't let friends get all health conscious on them. BORING.... or so they tell me. Personally I don't have any health conscious friends. They all think I'm weird and I haven't been invited to dinner in AGES. Hmmm.....BUT ---- I'm gonna have a Healthy Party Friday night. Ya'll are invited. Over at Earl's place. We'll be eating oysters on the half shell and cheese grits and whatever else floats our fancy. Earl is the local oyster guy. He doesn't open shop until the END of September, cause the oysters aren't at their best until then. And Earl cares about BEST. And his place is always Packed because of it. And then he closes promptly on May 1st. So you see... us'ns here in THIS house have withdrawal for our oyster fixes for FOUR long months. And then, on the last Thursday of September... we get our bliss back. BUT everyone and their brother and sister and aunt and uncle and dog and fish and.... well -- it's pretty dern crowded on opening day, so we traditionally wait until the second day. Let him iron out all the kinks before we come in. It's gonna be GREAT!!! ~('o')~
Boy did I get off track there.... What I meant to say is --- it is day 99 of the hundred day challenge. Today is leg muscle day. And I already did 10 lunges. I'll do 10 more on the way to the kitchen in a few momentos. That's how I get my 50 a day in. Just 10 at a time... on the way to somewhere. Anywhere really. I'll do 10 more on my way out to the car later. I'll try to refrain in public. (tho once I did do a few duck squats in the frozen food section of Winn Dixie just to embarrass my daughter.) By the end of the day I'll have my 50 in! Good plan, eh? I'm going to think about incorporating Burpees in there too. Did you know --- Burpees use over 600 muscles. And one only takes about 5 seconds to do. So if I did 50 of those in a day... that'd be 250 seconds... or 4.17 minutes. Shoooooooot. I think I can sacrifice 4.17 (maybe I'll even give up the other 43 seconds too. I'm kind of wild and crazy like that) minutes of my day to stress out over 600 muscles ALL AT ONCE!!! MY kind of exercise! (639 muscles to be Exact.) (>‿◠)
Yesterday I spent 2 hours doing yard work for my elderly friend. None in my yard. Isn't that weird... Ya don't mind helping others out with mundane chores, but you just DREAD doing yer own. Or is that just me??
Clutter... OMG... I only just got rid of that one thing yesterday. The pot. Off I go then, to do 4 more for yesterday and 5 for today. I cannot be getting so behind this early in the game........... Good thing I have you to keep an eye on me!! I hope you are all sticking to your 100 day commitments too. Are you even trying? Am I REALLY just doing this alone? Talk to me peeps!!! Please?!! This is GOOD for you. I promise. In 100 days you are going to feel Amazing!!! And not just cause Santa came. That is IF he comes. Have you been good? Have you been making commitments and Sticking to them? If not - don't blame me if your tree skirt is bare! Just saying.........
Boy did I get off track there.... What I meant to say is --- it is day 99 of the hundred day challenge. Today is leg muscle day. And I already did 10 lunges. I'll do 10 more on the way to the kitchen in a few momentos. That's how I get my 50 a day in. Just 10 at a time... on the way to somewhere. Anywhere really. I'll do 10 more on my way out to the car later. I'll try to refrain in public. (tho once I did do a few duck squats in the frozen food section of Winn Dixie just to embarrass my daughter.) By the end of the day I'll have my 50 in! Good plan, eh? I'm going to think about incorporating Burpees in there too. Did you know --- Burpees use over 600 muscles. And one only takes about 5 seconds to do. So if I did 50 of those in a day... that'd be 250 seconds... or 4.17 minutes. Shoooooooot. I think I can sacrifice 4.17 (maybe I'll even give up the other 43 seconds too. I'm kind of wild and crazy like that) minutes of my day to stress out over 600 muscles ALL AT ONCE!!! MY kind of exercise! (639 muscles to be Exact.) (>‿◠)
Yesterday I spent 2 hours doing yard work for my elderly friend. None in my yard. Isn't that weird... Ya don't mind helping others out with mundane chores, but you just DREAD doing yer own. Or is that just me??
Clutter... OMG... I only just got rid of that one thing yesterday. The pot. Off I go then, to do 4 more for yesterday and 5 for today. I cannot be getting so behind this early in the game........... Good thing I have you to keep an eye on me!! I hope you are all sticking to your 100 day commitments too. Are you even trying? Am I REALLY just doing this alone? Talk to me peeps!!! Please?!! This is GOOD for you. I promise. In 100 days you are going to feel Amazing!!! And not just cause Santa came. That is IF he comes. Have you been good? Have you been making commitments and Sticking to them? If not - don't blame me if your tree skirt is bare! Just saying.........
Monday, September 23, 2013
100 Day Countdown
Day 100! (Counting backward here...)
I already did 25 push ups! I am doing Couch push ups this week. This will build strength gradually without hurting my back. That's the plan anyway. I intend to do 25 more later. 50 a day!!!
I also Tossed One. 4 to go.
I am currently baking squash. I love love love squash. All kinds. They are the answer to all your problems! Don't you wish? But they are soooo good for you. Chock full of a bunch of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. You can eat a TON of squash and not gain weight. MY kind of food!!
Discovered this morning that I can't whistle anymore. I MUST get my whistle back. This is bumming me out. I'll see if the WWW has any advice on that. Who loses a whistle? Is this normal? Don't answer that....
I already did 25 push ups! I am doing Couch push ups this week. This will build strength gradually without hurting my back. That's the plan anyway. I intend to do 25 more later. 50 a day!!!
I also Tossed One. 4 to go.
I am currently baking squash. I love love love squash. All kinds. They are the answer to all your problems! Don't you wish? But they are soooo good for you. Chock full of a bunch of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. You can eat a TON of squash and not gain weight. MY kind of food!!
Discovered this morning that I can't whistle anymore. I MUST get my whistle back. This is bumming me out. I'll see if the WWW has any advice on that. Who loses a whistle? Is this normal? Don't answer that....
Sunday, September 22, 2013
100 Day Challenges!!!
Tomorrow is the day. Are you ready? It marks the first of the last 100 days of 2013.
Think about that... if I had gotten serious about my fitness 100 days ago......Oh MANNNNN... I'd be lifting cars by now. Why lift cars? Just because I can?!! Or could... if I had Gotten with it!! OR I could be enjoying my beautifully decluttered home right now. OR I could be walking amongst the beauty in my yard .... I mean... NONE of those things would take more than 100 days to accomplish. But I have procrastinated -Yet Again. SO --- enough I say.
Starting tomorrow I am going to:
Get serious about my fitness. I WILL do arm strengthening exercises every other day (cept Sunday --- gotta have my day of rest!) I WILL do leg strengthening exercises every other day (Yep --- Sunday's off again.) I WILL do 3 exercises a day EVERY day that strengthens the abs. Not just to flatten them, but to build strength in them because Strong abs, reduces stress on the back. And Lord knows my back needs a break. And I KNOW exercises and stretches help - A LOT. But I've been lazy. Enough. Enough I say.
Also - starting tomorrow I WILL get back to my Fling 5 a day (get rid of 5 items either to charity, or trash) AND spend a minimum of 15 minutes a day decluttering. I PROMISE.
AND ---- Starting tomorrow I WILL spend a minimum of 3 hours a week working on my yard. Weeding, or trimming bushes, or SOMETHING. That is only one hour every other morning. Easy Schmeasy. And I know from experience that once I get started... I don't usually quit in just One hour. It's the STARTING that gets in my way.
SO --- those are MY 3 One Hundred Day challenges to myself. Can I do it? YES I CAN. Watch and see. Join me, PLEASE. We may as well all feel proud of ourselves Together!!! (⍲‿⍲)
Think about that... if I had gotten serious about my fitness 100 days ago......Oh MANNNNN... I'd be lifting cars by now. Why lift cars? Just because I can?!! Or could... if I had Gotten with it!! OR I could be enjoying my beautifully decluttered home right now. OR I could be walking amongst the beauty in my yard .... I mean... NONE of those things would take more than 100 days to accomplish. But I have procrastinated -Yet Again. SO --- enough I say.
Starting tomorrow I am going to:
Get serious about my fitness. I WILL do arm strengthening exercises every other day (cept Sunday --- gotta have my day of rest!) I WILL do leg strengthening exercises every other day (Yep --- Sunday's off again.) I WILL do 3 exercises a day EVERY day that strengthens the abs. Not just to flatten them, but to build strength in them because Strong abs, reduces stress on the back. And Lord knows my back needs a break. And I KNOW exercises and stretches help - A LOT. But I've been lazy. Enough. Enough I say.
Also - starting tomorrow I WILL get back to my Fling 5 a day (get rid of 5 items either to charity, or trash) AND spend a minimum of 15 minutes a day decluttering. I PROMISE.
AND ---- Starting tomorrow I WILL spend a minimum of 3 hours a week working on my yard. Weeding, or trimming bushes, or SOMETHING. That is only one hour every other morning. Easy Schmeasy. And I know from experience that once I get started... I don't usually quit in just One hour. It's the STARTING that gets in my way.
SO --- those are MY 3 One Hundred Day challenges to myself. Can I do it? YES I CAN. Watch and see. Join me, PLEASE. We may as well all feel proud of ourselves Together!!! (⍲‿⍲)
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
My Book!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Morning all. My editor told me yesterday that my book is ready. Ready on her end anyway. Now I have to do some reading and studying and figuring out how to get it onto Amazon. I'm told it is easy. Nothing is really ever easy in my world. But I am game to give 'er a go. Soon as I get it "viral" (as the Mister would say) I will let you know and I'd love for you to read and heed and let me know what you think. ツ
Have a Fabulous Tuesday! Every day for that matter. But for today... Tuesday!! ♥
Have a Fabulous Tuesday! Every day for that matter. But for today... Tuesday!! ♥
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Just wanted to ask you to join me in the 21 Days of Kindness challenge. I read about it on Facebook. It's pretty simple... Just do a kind deed Every day for 21 days. Make a conscience effort to go out of your way to be kinder than normal. I mean... of course NitaB and anyone associated with her is kind. That just goes without saying....... but this is a Be Kinder Than Usual sort of thing. Ok?
This started on Sept 11th. Two days past. But you can dive in right now. It's ok!!
Yesterday I texted a photo to my son-in-law of his dog looking longingly out the window, waiting for him to get home.... to cheer him up after a stressful day of work. And I made a donation to Locks of Love (but technically I won't be mailing that out until the 20th, after my daughter gets her Locks Loved off. My other daughter had hers cut last month for L of L as well.)
Today... I rooted through some NASTY garbage, looking for a lost item for an elderly friend of mine. When I finished picking (Ewwww.....), I was washing up and she said, "Oh there you are. Where have you been? I found it in my chair!" Where have I been? Where have I been? Oh My Goodness. Gotta love her!!!♥
I'd love to hear about your Kind Deeds as well!!!!
Just wanted to ask you to join me in the 21 Days of Kindness challenge. I read about it on Facebook. It's pretty simple... Just do a kind deed Every day for 21 days. Make a conscience effort to go out of your way to be kinder than normal. I mean... of course NitaB and anyone associated with her is kind. That just goes without saying....... but this is a Be Kinder Than Usual sort of thing. Ok?
This started on Sept 11th. Two days past. But you can dive in right now. It's ok!!
Yesterday I texted a photo to my son-in-law of his dog looking longingly out the window, waiting for him to get home.... to cheer him up after a stressful day of work. And I made a donation to Locks of Love (but technically I won't be mailing that out until the 20th, after my daughter gets her Locks Loved off. My other daughter had hers cut last month for L of L as well.)
Today... I rooted through some NASTY garbage, looking for a lost item for an elderly friend of mine. When I finished picking (Ewwww.....), I was washing up and she said, "Oh there you are. Where have you been? I found it in my chair!" Where have I been? Where have I been? Oh My Goodness. Gotta love her!!!♥
I'd love to hear about your Kind Deeds as well!!!!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Morning everyone!!!
I've been up in Michigan for a few weeks, visiting my dad (who is not doing so well, bless his heart) and my sister (who has her hands Overly full -- but we had a very nice time), and my BFF from elementary school whom I haven't seen in over 40 years, but it was as if no time had passed. We behaved as normal ten year olds again and let the good times roll!!!
So it was overall a nice trip, mixed with a bit of sadness. I guess that's how life just is. Can't be all good. But Dang Nab it... that's how I Want it!! (◠‿◠)
I shall try to become more regular on here. I've been learning so many cool things that I want to share with you. Like, how to ride an Ezyroller, and how to make Vietnamese Sour Soup, and how to collect Beautimous Rocks......... and how to just enjoy life. Course you probably already have some of that figured out. But I'm gonna let ya know how it is NitaB style...!!! (-‿0) ♥ ♥ ♥
I've been up in Michigan for a few weeks, visiting my dad (who is not doing so well, bless his heart) and my sister (who has her hands Overly full -- but we had a very nice time), and my BFF from elementary school whom I haven't seen in over 40 years, but it was as if no time had passed. We behaved as normal ten year olds again and let the good times roll!!!
So it was overall a nice trip, mixed with a bit of sadness. I guess that's how life just is. Can't be all good. But Dang Nab it... that's how I Want it!! (◠‿◠)
I shall try to become more regular on here. I've been learning so many cool things that I want to share with you. Like, how to ride an Ezyroller, and how to make Vietnamese Sour Soup, and how to collect Beautimous Rocks......... and how to just enjoy life. Course you probably already have some of that figured out. But I'm gonna let ya know how it is NitaB style...!!! (-‿0) ♥ ♥ ♥
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Good News
Good News and Good News, part 2.
First off... the Mister fixed the camcorder. Turns out it wasn't broke. It was just being weird. No, not me...the camcorder. Putting up a scary message threatening to do all sorts of crazy things if I touched it. So I didn't. He did tho, and all was fine. He's braver than me!
And so I made a couple new Youtube videos. One about Juicing, and one about Making a Special pudding, with Very Special ingredients. It's so good, you'll forget that it's actually Good For You too!
Also, my yoga worked out some kinks in my neck. Whew! And it got me thru without a nap today!! It's now 1am. This is ridiculous. I best get to bed!! I'm having way too much fun to sleep though. But I'll be sorry tomorrow. So............ Night All. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................. ︺‿︺
First off... the Mister fixed the camcorder. Turns out it wasn't broke. It was just being weird. No, not me...the camcorder. Putting up a scary message threatening to do all sorts of crazy things if I touched it. So I didn't. He did tho, and all was fine. He's braver than me!
And so I made a couple new Youtube videos. One about Juicing, and one about Making a Special pudding, with Very Special ingredients. It's so good, you'll forget that it's actually Good For You too!
Also, my yoga worked out some kinks in my neck. Whew! And it got me thru without a nap today!! It's now 1am. This is ridiculous. I best get to bed!! I'm having way too much fun to sleep though. But I'll be sorry tomorrow. So............ Night All. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................. ︺‿︺
I've already messed up my new camcorder. I am just not meant to own anything electronical. But the Mister will be home soon and maybe he'll reverse my damage. Cross your fingers... and toes... and better cross the eyes too, for THIS one!! I hope he can fix it cause I had a good video turn out, and am anxious to get back at it!! ✯◡✯
My ART book came today!! I'm going to learn to be an artist!! Some say it isn't something you can just learn. You have to be Born with the talent. But this woman, Betty Edwards, says you CAN learn and she has taught hundreds!! So I am going to give it a shot. I also have an artist friend I met thru the Transformation Contest I did a while back... who says she will help me over any hurdles. How can I NOT succeed????
Gotta go do my yoga. I'm starting to get sleepy and I'm finding that exercising... just for a FEW minutes, seems to push me past it! Sometimes... Worth a shot.
My ART book came today!! I'm going to learn to be an artist!! Some say it isn't something you can just learn. You have to be Born with the talent. But this woman, Betty Edwards, says you CAN learn and she has taught hundreds!! So I am going to give it a shot. I also have an artist friend I met thru the Transformation Contest I did a while back... who says she will help me over any hurdles. How can I NOT succeed????
Gotta go do my yoga. I'm starting to get sleepy and I'm finding that exercising... just for a FEW minutes, seems to push me past it! Sometimes... Worth a shot.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
My Impatience is starting to show...
My book has stalled. I'm frustrated. My artist has quit replying to my emails... My editor has other projects going on in addition to mine and it is going slowly. I was hoping to launch tomorrow. THAT is not going to be happening. But --- everything happens for a reason. I'm guessing the reason is ---- to see if I'll explode or not. It's probably best that it is on hold... I do have a lot coming up. Visiting MI next week - going to spend some time with my sister and dad. (He is not doing too well. *෴* ) Then the next week, my daughter, her husband, and my granddog and grandkat are all moving in for a little while, until they find them a house. My sweetie just finished her 4 year gig in the Air Force. With degree in hand, she begins her New career now... right here near her mother and father and sis. As it should be!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Got my new camera in today. Camcorder actually. This thing is Teeny Tiny. I like it. I did a short video to try it out and it Works. I was hoping it would. Some new things don't ya know. Tomorrow I will do a juicing video for my Youtube channel. Going to make Red, White, and Blue juice in honor of Labor Day!! Come join me!!!
Got my new camera in today. Camcorder actually. This thing is Teeny Tiny. I like it. I did a short video to try it out and it Works. I was hoping it would. Some new things don't ya know. Tomorrow I will do a juicing video for my Youtube channel. Going to make Red, White, and Blue juice in honor of Labor Day!! Come join me!!!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Thee Book - Maybe...
My New NitaB caricature. Whatcha think?
Well, actually that is potentially my new book cover. We'll see. I am going to have him change my hair and eyes to brown (tho I do think I like being a blue-eyed blonde!!) This project is moving right along. Hoping to have it out there on Amazon by the end of the month!!!! SO excited!
Well, actually that is potentially my new book cover. We'll see. I am going to have him change my hair and eyes to brown (tho I do think I like being a blue-eyed blonde!!) This project is moving right along. Hoping to have it out there on Amazon by the end of the month!!!! SO excited!
Friday, August 9, 2013
The Cat's Meow
Have you seen those little cat toys on TV called Cat's Meow? It's such a simple toy... just a piece of cloth, with a plastic moving thing underneath and it reverses direction when a cat jumps on it. Or so I am told. My sister ordered one and they sent her FOUR. So she sent me two of them. One for Lucifer Lil and one for Belle or Little Biddle (my other grandkitties). I can't wait to play with it. No wait... I meant... for Lil to play with it. Yeah... can't wait to watch her play with it. :) I'll let ya know how that goes!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Bad news coming at you today... Don't be a hater though, ok? I'm just the messenger.
Flip Flops are Bad for your back. WHAT? NOOOOOOOooooooo.... I loves me a pair of flops. But it turns out (and we probably already knew this and just refused to believe it...) flip flops are saboteurs in the disguise of cute, simple, flippy floppy "shoes."
They make your toes grab the front, to keep them on, which makes your hips overcompensate just so you can keep going. Next thing you know Muscle Imbalances go rampant and you have a Sore Back. You can blame it on the heavy groceries, or the yard work, or the Whatever... but it might well be your flops. Just saying. Sorry, but I care about you. And I try to keep you safe. What you do with the info is your bizz. Personally ------ I'm still wearing my flops. But maybe not quite as much. Maybe......
Flip Flops are Bad for your back. WHAT? NOOOOOOOooooooo.... I loves me a pair of flops. But it turns out (and we probably already knew this and just refused to believe it...) flip flops are saboteurs in the disguise of cute, simple, flippy floppy "shoes."
They make your toes grab the front, to keep them on, which makes your hips overcompensate just so you can keep going. Next thing you know Muscle Imbalances go rampant and you have a Sore Back. You can blame it on the heavy groceries, or the yard work, or the Whatever... but it might well be your flops. Just saying. Sorry, but I care about you. And I try to keep you safe. What you do with the info is your bizz. Personally ------ I'm still wearing my flops. But maybe not quite as much. Maybe......
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Hi again. I have been trying to put a link on here so you could check out my Youtube videos. I am just learning how to do those, so they aren't very good.... Yet.
Until I get this figured out, you can just type TheeNitaB into the search bar and VwaaaaLaaa.... They are pretty lame right now. But they'll get better as I get it all figured out.
Thanks for sticking with me!!!
Until I get this figured out, you can just type TheeNitaB into the search bar and VwaaaaLaaa.... They are pretty lame right now. But they'll get better as I get it all figured out.
Thanks for sticking with me!!!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Let me Explain...
I know... what in the world is that NitaB up to ??? She hasn't written in Forever. Sorry guys. But actually I HAVE written. Just not out here. I've been working on putting together a book to publish on Kindle. Yes, ME!! I have it done now, and I'm trying to figure things out for Pre-Publish. Like editing and formatting and such. I have been trying to learn those things. But I won't be published until 2095 if I wait until I am able to do all that myself. SO ---I've made a command decision --- Let those who know what they are doing... do it. SO the other day I sent away to have a cover made. And today I'm sending the rest off to be "looked at". That is kind of scary. But hopefully... in a few weeks, I'll be directing you to my ebook. I've been wanting to do this for YEARS. Since 4th grade actually. Well, not E-booking really. It didn't exist back then. WOW... that made me feel old. But just for a second.... (^◡^ )
I got my start in public writing......... RIGHT HERE. This blogging bizz got me a tad bit over my fear of having others read my stuff. So if you have a book inside of you....... NitaB here to tell ya... start you a blog. Get used to talking to the public (sort of) and then GO FOR IT!!!
PS - If you buy my book, I'll buy yours!!! ☜(ˆ▽ˆ)
Back to work............ I'll keep you posted!!
I got my start in public writing......... RIGHT HERE. This blogging bizz got me a tad bit over my fear of having others read my stuff. So if you have a book inside of you....... NitaB here to tell ya... start you a blog. Get used to talking to the public (sort of) and then GO FOR IT!!!
PS - If you buy my book, I'll buy yours!!! ☜(ˆ▽ˆ)
Back to work............ I'll keep you posted!!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Oh- and Hey --- I need some ideas. I've set a challenge for myself ........... to do a random act of kindness for each year of my life. 52 random acts. I need help coming up with random ideas. Someone mentioned putting moola inside books at a book store with a note saying GOD is with you ALWAYS (or some such thing), so when someone buys one.... They'll feel the love --- randomly. And I am pretty much an expert at random behavior, random thoughts... so why not Random Acts and make them of the kindness variety! If you don't help me... I'll spend my life in a bookstore with 52 $1 bills and be going insane........... :) Won't be the first time. ... for the insanity... but -well... you know...
Wait... I think I did one yesterday. Saw an older lady walking across the parking lot looking really out of it. I smiled at her. She just stared at me like I was a weirdo. I just held the smile (partly cause I felt like a weirdo, since she was giving me that look.) and before I had fully passed her.... she smiled back. A genuine smile... with her eyes all into it and everything. She looked happy. Only for a moment maybe. But moments count, eh? One down and 51 to go!!! Hey - if you guys want to join in................ Please DO, and let me know what all you did. Even if you don't get to 50 or whatever.... it's a start, eh???
Happy Monday All!!!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Some interesting Finds...
I read about a website called Onesentence.org You submit a SHORT story. One sentence long. Now, for me... that would be QUITE the challenge. Say it ALL, in one sentence. Oprah had a dealy once (I think it was her) and you had to sum up who you are in 3 (or maybe it was 5) words. Things like that make you really think hard. And thinking hard keeps your mind from seizing up. So do it. Tell me your sentences, please. I'd love it!!
Also... Seems that there is a scale out there somewhere... I'll look it up for you in minute... Called the Quantum Scale. It shows pounds lost instead of current weight. Positive reinforcement. Cool idea!!! Ok, I looked it up. They do have them on Amazon... $59. Seems to have good and bad reviews. Only tracks the weight loss/gain for One person. So it wouldn't be good for a group effort. That is sort of a negative in my opinion. But anyway... check it out for yourself. And if anyone does get one... let me know how it goes, eh?
Have a super weekend...
Ya'll have a Happy Mother's Day tomorrow. Even if ya aint a mom. If you're a Pop... well, you can still have a nice day, eh? And if you are a pet owner.... You ARE a mom. Or pop!!! (◠‿◠)
Also... Seems that there is a scale out there somewhere... I'll look it up for you in minute... Called the Quantum Scale. It shows pounds lost instead of current weight. Positive reinforcement. Cool idea!!! Ok, I looked it up. They do have them on Amazon... $59. Seems to have good and bad reviews. Only tracks the weight loss/gain for One person. So it wouldn't be good for a group effort. That is sort of a negative in my opinion. But anyway... check it out for yourself. And if anyone does get one... let me know how it goes, eh?
Have a super weekend...
Ya'll have a Happy Mother's Day tomorrow. Even if ya aint a mom. If you're a Pop... well, you can still have a nice day, eh? And if you are a pet owner.... You ARE a mom. Or pop!!! (◠‿◠)
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Catch up stuff
I just noticed that I never put a title on my posts. Didn't even see that option up there. Well, I shall have to be more observant in the future.
I'm trying to be all serious today. Lets see how that works out.
I wanted to let you know... Lemon water... You definitely CAN over-do it. I put so much lemon in my last batch of juice... my lips are in a permanent pucker. I kid you not. That was potent!!
Finally bought some Kefir. I forget how that is pronounced. But it is not how you would think. Kinda like pronouncing other words, like - Quinoa. WHO does this to us? Life is rough enough! Go ahead and watch Gallagher... the watermelon smashing comedian... he talks about how weird words are. "Two... WHO decided to put a W in Two? Now, 'One' has a W sound, but has no W in it. "One" NEEDS the W that they put in the Two. What is going on???" Or something like that. He is very sensible... and funny! Check him out...
But back to Kefir. Kefir is spoiled milk. I mean... it just is... I think. It tastes like it. But it is SUPPOSED to taste that way, so it's ok. (insert blank stare here....) I was reading on the label to see what you are suppose to do with it. All I know is "they" say it is good for you and Lord knows that I have to try Anything that "they" say is good for you. So the label says to use it like you would regular milk. Use it for Anything... So I put some in my coffee. It made it taste... Odd. But I think I like it. I'll try it again tomorrow and see what I think.
I also got me some WHOLE flaxseeds. I already have a whole bag of flaxseed meal mind you. But I had to try some fresh ground flax. Dumped some in my Magic Bullet blender thingy. Do you have one of those? Pretty cool gadget. It lasted about 12 years, then broke, so Chip fixed it for me. He's good at that stuff!!! So I ground up my seeds. THAT is a very cool thing to do. Try it. Fun!! I'm easily amused though. But I am thinking that Flax is so good for you that you can quit taking Fish Oil supplements if you do the flax thing. I've been doing both. But I could be overly oiled now. Maybe THAT is my problem. Well, among my many problems... (>‿♥)
Ok. I gotta get on with my day. So much to do. But I wanted to pop back in. I'm gonna try to get better about this.... I KNOW I said that before. I do try........... Just that there are SOOO many things to try to squeeze into such a short day. And I just don't know how people who watch TV manage to fit everything else in. I watch it some... but mostly I forget about it cause I'm sooo trying to finish everything I have to do......................... Like I gotta get my Barbie's and their clothes (from the 60's) on ebay cause I saw a lot, smaller than mine, sell for $800!!! I paid $5 for mine at a yard sale. Cause I never had a Barbie as a child and I always wanted one. So I got this group. I was so happy to have them. They even have their suitcase closet thingies.... BUT when I saw that auction out there... well, Adios Barbies... mama needs new shoes! Or new tires or something.... Yeah! So - I gotta get them on there and I gotta finish my garden. And I gotta go help Rita with her garden. And I gotta............do A BUNCH. So I'm outta here. You have a GREAT Day, 'kay???!!!! ♥
I'm trying to be all serious today. Lets see how that works out.
I wanted to let you know... Lemon water... You definitely CAN over-do it. I put so much lemon in my last batch of juice... my lips are in a permanent pucker. I kid you not. That was potent!!
Finally bought some Kefir. I forget how that is pronounced. But it is not how you would think. Kinda like pronouncing other words, like - Quinoa. WHO does this to us? Life is rough enough! Go ahead and watch Gallagher... the watermelon smashing comedian... he talks about how weird words are. "Two... WHO decided to put a W in Two? Now, 'One' has a W sound, but has no W in it. "One" NEEDS the W that they put in the Two. What is going on???" Or something like that. He is very sensible... and funny! Check him out...
But back to Kefir. Kefir is spoiled milk. I mean... it just is... I think. It tastes like it. But it is SUPPOSED to taste that way, so it's ok. (insert blank stare here....) I was reading on the label to see what you are suppose to do with it. All I know is "they" say it is good for you and Lord knows that I have to try Anything that "they" say is good for you. So the label says to use it like you would regular milk. Use it for Anything... So I put some in my coffee. It made it taste... Odd. But I think I like it. I'll try it again tomorrow and see what I think.
I also got me some WHOLE flaxseeds. I already have a whole bag of flaxseed meal mind you. But I had to try some fresh ground flax. Dumped some in my Magic Bullet blender thingy. Do you have one of those? Pretty cool gadget. It lasted about 12 years, then broke, so Chip fixed it for me. He's good at that stuff!!! So I ground up my seeds. THAT is a very cool thing to do. Try it. Fun!! I'm easily amused though. But I am thinking that Flax is so good for you that you can quit taking Fish Oil supplements if you do the flax thing. I've been doing both. But I could be overly oiled now. Maybe THAT is my problem. Well, among my many problems... (>‿♥)
Ok. I gotta get on with my day. So much to do. But I wanted to pop back in. I'm gonna try to get better about this.... I KNOW I said that before. I do try........... Just that there are SOOO many things to try to squeeze into such a short day. And I just don't know how people who watch TV manage to fit everything else in. I watch it some... but mostly I forget about it cause I'm sooo trying to finish everything I have to do......................... Like I gotta get my Barbie's and their clothes (from the 60's) on ebay cause I saw a lot, smaller than mine, sell for $800!!! I paid $5 for mine at a yard sale. Cause I never had a Barbie as a child and I always wanted one. So I got this group. I was so happy to have them. They even have their suitcase closet thingies.... BUT when I saw that auction out there... well, Adios Barbies... mama needs new shoes! Or new tires or something.... Yeah! So - I gotta get them on there and I gotta finish my garden. And I gotta go help Rita with her garden. And I gotta............do A BUNCH. So I'm outta here. You have a GREAT Day, 'kay???!!!! ♥
Monday, April 29, 2013
Quickie post today...
My newest obsessions:
My weed popper. It is amazing...........! Best little $20 I've spent in a Long time. And the cool thing about it, is that it is so amazing that others want to try it... and so you can get others to weed your lawn (like Huck Finn and his fence painting project.... wait... that was Tom wasn't it. Huck/Tom.... I get those two mixed up. Dang it... I have to go look them up now.) But anyway --- this weeder thingy just about pulls weeds FOR you. (that's what I tell everyone and they say "Let me try." Hahhaha...!) It is pretty cool though. Called a "Garden Weasel Weedpopper." There are tons of weeders out there. But this one is made of sturdy metal. It appears it will hold up. A bunch of them get bad reviews for being made out of inferior products that break quickly.
Also --- water. I've always been a water drinker but, now I'm adding stuff to it to make it exciting!! (ok, it still isn't that exciting, but it looks better than plain water, and it is DOING more for you than plain water, and changes things up a bit so I stick with it.) Lemon water (cause I love lemon, and it is really good for lots of things), Flax meal water (to give ya a boost of fiber which just about Everyone does Not get enough of!), and then the do-it-with-whatever-ingredients-you-like water. Just put 8 cups of water in a 10 cup glass jar. ( I have a glass measuring cup - 10 cups) then add cucumber and/or melon and/or any fruit/berry and/or ANYTHING. Let it sit in the fridge overnight. Drink it all the next day. Eat the stuff left in the jar (if ya want). There ya have it. How fun does that sound???
Ok, gotta go get ready for my day. Taking my bud (85) to the doc. Regular checkup. She won't want to go so we'll fuss about it for a while. Then we'll go and have fun. Who has fun at the doctor's? WE do, that's who. We have fun everywhere... near 'bout.
Have a great one!!! Day, that is!! Week too... in case I don't get back here... but I will... ت
My newest obsessions:
My weed popper. It is amazing...........! Best little $20 I've spent in a Long time. And the cool thing about it, is that it is so amazing that others want to try it... and so you can get others to weed your lawn (like Huck Finn and his fence painting project.... wait... that was Tom wasn't it. Huck/Tom.... I get those two mixed up. Dang it... I have to go look them up now.) But anyway --- this weeder thingy just about pulls weeds FOR you. (that's what I tell everyone and they say "Let me try." Hahhaha...!) It is pretty cool though. Called a "Garden Weasel Weedpopper." There are tons of weeders out there. But this one is made of sturdy metal. It appears it will hold up. A bunch of them get bad reviews for being made out of inferior products that break quickly.
Also --- water. I've always been a water drinker but, now I'm adding stuff to it to make it exciting!! (ok, it still isn't that exciting, but it looks better than plain water, and it is DOING more for you than plain water, and changes things up a bit so I stick with it.) Lemon water (cause I love lemon, and it is really good for lots of things), Flax meal water (to give ya a boost of fiber which just about Everyone does Not get enough of!), and then the do-it-with-whatever-ingredients-you-like water. Just put 8 cups of water in a 10 cup glass jar. ( I have a glass measuring cup - 10 cups) then add cucumber and/or melon and/or any fruit/berry and/or ANYTHING. Let it sit in the fridge overnight. Drink it all the next day. Eat the stuff left in the jar (if ya want). There ya have it. How fun does that sound???
Ok, gotta go get ready for my day. Taking my bud (85) to the doc. Regular checkup. She won't want to go so we'll fuss about it for a while. Then we'll go and have fun. Who has fun at the doctor's? WE do, that's who. We have fun everywhere... near 'bout.
Have a great one!!! Day, that is!! Week too... in case I don't get back here... but I will... ت
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Guten Tag. I think that is good morning, in German. I must say,.. I wasn't paying attention all that well in my two years of German class. I took it to make my dad proud. FAIL! Oh well, I tried! I get brownie points for that, eh?
Last day for oysters at Earl's. If you don't know Earl.... I'm sorry that you aren't as close to heaven on Earth as me.... come on down... I'll introduce you. You gotta pay for your own tho cause I aint rich ya know. YET!!! Anyway - he will not sell oysters in the hottest months... May, June, July, August, and September. SOME folks sell them in Sept. But not Earl. He has his principles. I forget what he said about that. They are too small or something.... and not salty enough or something. All's I know is I trust the man and his oysters and we are going up there in a few on his Last Day till Oct. And our waitress is just the cutest, most adorablist little thing you ever did see. Ok, it's Ash - but I'm not biased. She is cute and adorable. Plus we don't have to tip her cause just our presence is tip enough. Well, ok, maybe we'll give her a tiny tip.... and here it is: "Get a new job cause Earl's is Closing Tomorrow for 4 months!!" (she already has another job - so we'll try to think up a better tip afore we get there.) Anyhoo..... my belly is a grumbling so I best git to gittin!!!
Have a Fab Weekend. I might be back tomorrow to fill ya inn on my adventures... Ohhhhhh lucky you..... OMG I was trying to find a silly face for you and look what happened. Oh well ---- Enjoy!!!
Last day for oysters at Earl's. If you don't know Earl.... I'm sorry that you aren't as close to heaven on Earth as me.... come on down... I'll introduce you. You gotta pay for your own tho cause I aint rich ya know. YET!!! Anyway - he will not sell oysters in the hottest months... May, June, July, August, and September. SOME folks sell them in Sept. But not Earl. He has his principles. I forget what he said about that. They are too small or something.... and not salty enough or something. All's I know is I trust the man and his oysters and we are going up there in a few on his Last Day till Oct. And our waitress is just the cutest, most adorablist little thing you ever did see. Ok, it's Ash - but I'm not biased. She is cute and adorable. Plus we don't have to tip her cause just our presence is tip enough. Well, ok, maybe we'll give her a tiny tip.... and here it is: "Get a new job cause Earl's is Closing Tomorrow for 4 months!!" (she already has another job - so we'll try to think up a better tip afore we get there.) Anyhoo..... my belly is a grumbling so I best git to gittin!!!
Have a Fab Weekend. I might be back tomorrow to fill ya inn on my adventures... Ohhhhhh lucky you..... OMG I was trying to find a silly face for you and look what happened. Oh well ---- Enjoy!!!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Good evening. I don't usually write at night. Too tired. Give me some ideas for pep, peeps! I need more vim and vinegar... or sumpin!!
Had some good friends over for a shrimp boil today. The shrimp were not so great. But the friends were! If you have good friends, you have everything!!! And man am I blessed in that arena!! Cept the one friend brought some strawberry whipped cream deal. REALLY? The Mister and I have been so good about no sugars lately. We haven't had sweets (cept in fruit) for a couple weeks. Soon as she left ---we --- honked that sucker down!! Oh Yes we did. Ohhhh mannnn.... who's idea was it to cut out sugar?? We didn't even put it on a plate. We ate it out of the dish. And then licked up the crumbs. We were very bad.............. but yet............ Ohhhh mannnnn.....
I was going thru some old paperwork the other day and came across some of the girls' grade school work. On one paper the question was... what is your first language? My child answered "Baby Talk." Hahahaha..... Hey - ask a stupid question to a child... ya get what ya get! Pretty funny. And don't even get me started on their poetry........ Oh my...... If I wasn't so lazy, I'd go get some and share it with ya. Maybe another day.
Sitting on my new porch/office... listening to the crickets and wolves. Ok, no wolves. But earlier there were bats. Bats / Wolves... close enough eh? Tomorrow the Mister says we are eating Breakfast out here. Who wants to join us? I can't wait. I'm gittin to bed so breakfast comes earlier!!! ύ.ὺ
Had some good friends over for a shrimp boil today. The shrimp were not so great. But the friends were! If you have good friends, you have everything!!! And man am I blessed in that arena!! Cept the one friend brought some strawberry whipped cream deal. REALLY? The Mister and I have been so good about no sugars lately. We haven't had sweets (cept in fruit) for a couple weeks. Soon as she left ---we --- honked that sucker down!! Oh Yes we did. Ohhhh mannnn.... who's idea was it to cut out sugar?? We didn't even put it on a plate. We ate it out of the dish. And then licked up the crumbs. We were very bad.............. but yet............ Ohhhh mannnnn.....
I was going thru some old paperwork the other day and came across some of the girls' grade school work. On one paper the question was... what is your first language? My child answered "Baby Talk." Hahahaha..... Hey - ask a stupid question to a child... ya get what ya get! Pretty funny. And don't even get me started on their poetry........ Oh my...... If I wasn't so lazy, I'd go get some and share it with ya. Maybe another day.
Sitting on my new porch/office... listening to the crickets and wolves. Ok, no wolves. But earlier there were bats. Bats / Wolves... close enough eh? Tomorrow the Mister says we are eating Breakfast out here. Who wants to join us? I can't wait. I'm gittin to bed so breakfast comes earlier!!! ύ.ὺ
Friday, April 19, 2013
Howdy Folks!!
Sitting on my new porch office and looking out the window at the rain... and am wondering if life gets more Blissful than this. My crazy cat is staring at me. She wants me to leave so she can knock the stuff off my desk AGAIN. She does not tire of it. Yet, all the bending to pick it all up again is good exercise, so I allow it.
Hopefully I'll have my container garden planted tomorrow... on the deck, out the window to my left. So I can be Mistress Nita, quite contrary - how does your garden grow. Those wild varmints won't get away with as much this year. I'll be a watching!! Tho this morning, a little squirrel sat on the rail right smack beside me and Lucifer Lil (but obviously knowing he had a window betwixt us.) Just sat there, as Lil was "singing" or whatever that weird sound is that cats make when they want to kill something but can't because they have cruel owners that won't let them outside. I'm only calling myself her owner, cause she can't read. Otherwise she'd set me straight on who owns whom, by golly!! She is a tiny cat (2 years old, but you'd never know. She quit growing. But she has short cat syndrome. MEAN mean mean...) so the squirrel was bigger than her. He could have taken her in a fair fight!
Well, I"m fixin to venture off in the rain to get more veggies. I have sooo much fun with my juicer. I should keep track of what it is costing me to play with it every day. (Veggies aint cheap ya know). But I don't wanna spoil my fun just yet. Remind me to get some celery, will ya? I keep forgetting it. I'm not a huge celery fan, but it is good for ya, so I'm gonna Juice it!!
I should go... but I am enjoing the view right now... too much. I wish you all could come sit in my little office with TONS of windows all around. This really IS heaven - I'm pretty sure! Ohhhh the books you could write.... Hey - now there is an idea!!! ;o)
Have a great weekend everyone!!! ♥
Sitting on my new porch office and looking out the window at the rain... and am wondering if life gets more Blissful than this. My crazy cat is staring at me. She wants me to leave so she can knock the stuff off my desk AGAIN. She does not tire of it. Yet, all the bending to pick it all up again is good exercise, so I allow it.
Hopefully I'll have my container garden planted tomorrow... on the deck, out the window to my left. So I can be Mistress Nita, quite contrary - how does your garden grow. Those wild varmints won't get away with as much this year. I'll be a watching!! Tho this morning, a little squirrel sat on the rail right smack beside me and Lucifer Lil (but obviously knowing he had a window betwixt us.) Just sat there, as Lil was "singing" or whatever that weird sound is that cats make when they want to kill something but can't because they have cruel owners that won't let them outside. I'm only calling myself her owner, cause she can't read. Otherwise she'd set me straight on who owns whom, by golly!! She is a tiny cat (2 years old, but you'd never know. She quit growing. But she has short cat syndrome. MEAN mean mean...) so the squirrel was bigger than her. He could have taken her in a fair fight!
Well, I"m fixin to venture off in the rain to get more veggies. I have sooo much fun with my juicer. I should keep track of what it is costing me to play with it every day. (Veggies aint cheap ya know). But I don't wanna spoil my fun just yet. Remind me to get some celery, will ya? I keep forgetting it. I'm not a huge celery fan, but it is good for ya, so I'm gonna Juice it!!
I should go... but I am enjoing the view right now... too much. I wish you all could come sit in my little office with TONS of windows all around. This really IS heaven - I'm pretty sure! Ohhhh the books you could write.... Hey - now there is an idea!!! ;o)
Have a great weekend everyone!!! ♥
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Good Morning!!
Sorry I've been absent for so long. I have had such a busy time lately. My Ursela came to town, her hubster (SIL) had his first MMA match (which I went to. SURPRISE!), I've been remodeling my back porch to turn it into an office for me to write in (!!!), I got a juicer, my Ezmerelda moved to her own place, I've been "playing" with my newest, most coolest yard sale finds, and spending more time with my buddy R. (85 years young). SOOOO that's been a busy month, eh? No excuse though. Just freaking DO IT already --- and steadily! There - that is your lesson for the day. Steady, Daily, no excuses, persistence will get you ANYWHERE you want to be. Period. Don't lemme hear you say, "Yeah, but what about...." No --- I said Period, and that means no Yeah Buts....!!! Get 'er Done. Period.
Success to me: Write this down --- there may be a test later. Aw Heck --- there WILL be a test later....
Success is: Believing in Yourself. To the point where no matter what ANYONE else thinks about you... it does not change how YOU think about you. Think about that for a second. Can you imagine thinking you are the greatest thing since sliced bread? (Sliced bread is not really good for you btw.) But your inner thoughts and beliefs ARE good for you and that is the number one thing that you need to know and feel and Own. Did that make sense? Think of yourself as An asset to life.... to the world... The potential is there. And I really really really want you to feel the same way I do. It is just so amazing. And my only regret is that I wasn't able to feel this 40 years ago. Ohhhhhhhhh how my life could have been different. But --- that is ok. My past life is a big part of who I am now, and so if I had learned all this back then.......... my head would likely have been too big to fit through any doorway! I'm grateful that I discovered THIS me now, and I'm planning to run with it. Join me, eh?!!! ♥
Sorry I've been absent for so long. I have had such a busy time lately. My Ursela came to town, her hubster (SIL) had his first MMA match (which I went to. SURPRISE!), I've been remodeling my back porch to turn it into an office for me to write in (!!!), I got a juicer, my Ezmerelda moved to her own place, I've been "playing" with my newest, most coolest yard sale finds, and spending more time with my buddy R. (85 years young). SOOOO that's been a busy month, eh? No excuse though. Just freaking DO IT already --- and steadily! There - that is your lesson for the day. Steady, Daily, no excuses, persistence will get you ANYWHERE you want to be. Period. Don't lemme hear you say, "Yeah, but what about...." No --- I said Period, and that means no Yeah Buts....!!! Get 'er Done. Period.
Success to me: Write this down --- there may be a test later. Aw Heck --- there WILL be a test later....
Success is: Believing in Yourself. To the point where no matter what ANYONE else thinks about you... it does not change how YOU think about you. Think about that for a second. Can you imagine thinking you are the greatest thing since sliced bread? (Sliced bread is not really good for you btw.) But your inner thoughts and beliefs ARE good for you and that is the number one thing that you need to know and feel and Own. Did that make sense? Think of yourself as An asset to life.... to the world... The potential is there. And I really really really want you to feel the same way I do. It is just so amazing. And my only regret is that I wasn't able to feel this 40 years ago. Ohhhhhhhhh how my life could have been different. But --- that is ok. My past life is a big part of who I am now, and so if I had learned all this back then.......... my head would likely have been too big to fit through any doorway! I'm grateful that I discovered THIS me now, and I'm planning to run with it. Join me, eh?!!! ♥
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Good Morning! It’s
gonna be a dreary, possibly rainy day. I
was supposed to mow the lawn for my friend.
Might not happen. But I’ll just
do it tomorrow then……. Gotta love
flexibility. I don’t take it for
granted, I assure you. It is part of my
daily gratitudes. “Thank you Lord, that
I don’t have to ‘work’ a traditional job, so I can do the ‘job of the day’ that
you assign me!” And that --- is why it’s
a ‘good morning’ despite the impending rain.
Anyway – I wanted to write about a little quote I read this morning: “Don’t regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.” I gotta say I’m not crazy about the wrinkles, nor the slowed metabolism, nor the fatigue, nor … this is going the wrong way… I AM crazy about the freedom. The freedom to Do what I want to do, no matter how crazy it is, and people accept it because “She’s old… they do weird things at that age.” You get more respect… for the most part. I kind of dislike being called dear, or sweetie, or honey by strangers because it seems disrespectful. I am not THEIR dear, or sweetie, or honey – so when they do it, it makes me feel old. I don’t mind BEING old. But I don’t feel old inside, so I don’t want to be reminded of it. Does that make sense?
We were playing a game at my daughter’s house. Forget which game, but you were asked a
question and the other players had to guess which answer you wrote down. My question was something like, what one
thing in your life would you be happier without? I forget what the choices were, but one was
“mirrors.” It took me 10 seconds to answer
that and took each of them 10 seconds to guess my answer correctly. One of them said, “I see you change your
attitude when you see your reflection in the window of the car, you won’t sit
behind the driver in a car because you don’t want to see yourself in the rear
view mirror. You always seem so happy
and carefree – until you see your reflection.”
Wow. I didn’t know I was so
transparent. I really try to not be that
way. I know how blessed I am to look
this way, and not worse. I see people with tumors that keep re-growing, and I
know I am so blessed I don’t have that.
I see people who have been in a fire, or a bad car accident, or
mutilated by a stranger, and I am so glad I don’t have those issues. I AM better about it. Really I am, but I’m not “there” yet. After all, it isn’t about how you Look, it’s
about how you Act. I feel guilty for
feeling this way… it seems so petty and ungrateful………… Enough of this. Must be the gloomy weather taking over me. Enough I say.
It IS a good day, and I am beautiful…….
So there!
did that come from? This started out as
a means to tell you to embrace your age.
Be grateful for being old, because some don’t get that privilege. I AM grateful. I think I am more open minded, because I’ve
felt the gamut of emotions over the years, so I can be more understanding of
other’s emotions. I have felt like
behaving differently than how I did behave, but was too reserved to ‘be me.’ So
I Love it when people do their ‘own thing’ as long as it isn’t truly hurting
anyone. Saw a teen on a skateboard with
a “rooster comb, dyed green” on his head yesterday and he looked so care-free….
I would NEVER have been so bold. I
respect that… but glad I don’t have to look at it every day. (>‿◠) I just think I am less judgmental, and more flexible in my thinking, and enjoy each day a little fuller, because it might be one of my last. Course that has ALWAYS been true, but I feel it more as I age. Well, I best wrap this up. Just rambling more than usual today --- Thank you for joining me.
Love this Poem: I've loved it since I first saw it as a teen. I now know that I didn't have to wait to be "old" to "wear purple and red." But I guess I had to get "old" to really Realize it! Wasted my youth being who I thought everyone else wanted me to be. Nonsense. Be YOU --- And do it NOW!!!
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.
Jenny Joseph
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Yesterday I spent time with an older
friend. She only really started to “age” about two years ago. She’s 85 now.
So really... “83 years of youth”. We should all be so lucky. I
think her secret was/is – a positive attitude.
She’s had a lot of upsets in her life.
I’ve been witness to many of them in the past 30 years. But she seldom let that set her back for
long. She’s lost a lot of pets. Those
deaths affected her the most. She currently
has a 16 year old Lab, named Diamond Lil.
She names all her pets after “fun” people, as she puts it. She had a German Shepard named Bonnie, and
the world’s ugliest (and meanest) cat named Clyde. There
was Annie O. And Billy K. I’m not sure what inspired the name for
Diamond's sister, Tina Marie. (That cat
has attitude. “Don’t even look at me,
and maybe I’ll let you live a bit longer.”
I guess my buddy is an evil cat magnet.)
But I digress. She has always
been active, and ate right (except for the sugars. She always had sugars around to temp me.) But she could eat one piece of chocolate and
not touch the box the whole entire rest of the day. Amazing!
She’d actually make a box of chocolates last a whole month or more. I think she did that to tease me. Drove me insane!
But the point is--- I think there was a point... Oh yes – eat well, stay active, and keep a positive attitude and you can hold on to your youth well into your 80’s.
But the point is--- I think there was a point... Oh yes – eat well, stay active, and keep a positive attitude and you can hold on to your youth well into your 80’s.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013
This is gonna hurt me, more than you........ I don't want to do it. But ... I have to come clean---
I didn't get ANY of that stuff done today. NONE of it. Didn't declutter ANY of the rooms. I did go thru one box and pulled out about 8 things to give away. Whooopie. Better luck tomorrow!!! ☺
I am watching Hoarders. This show is bad for me cause I think, "well, I'm not THAT bad, so I'm ok. I mean --- I don't keep trash. Empty bottles and dirty plates and blocked pathways ... 2,0000 pieces of clothing????? OMG!!! But these people do have emotional issues and their families don't understand that. They are mean sometimes. They Need the professionals there. Chip always comes thru when I'm watching that and says.... "Don't get no ideas, woman!" Ok. I won't. I won't get rid of nuthin. Hahahhahaa....
My Shark Tank will be on soon. I don't know why I like that show. But I do. I guess cause I figure I'll be on there one day! Don't know if I'll be on the stage, or in a chair!!! Haven't decided yet! :o)
Alrighty... Next time I come on here, I'll have something profound to say. I promise..... maybe....
I didn't get ANY of that stuff done today. NONE of it. Didn't declutter ANY of the rooms. I did go thru one box and pulled out about 8 things to give away. Whooopie. Better luck tomorrow!!! ☺
I am watching Hoarders. This show is bad for me cause I think, "well, I'm not THAT bad, so I'm ok. I mean --- I don't keep trash. Empty bottles and dirty plates and blocked pathways ... 2,0000 pieces of clothing????? OMG!!! But these people do have emotional issues and their families don't understand that. They are mean sometimes. They Need the professionals there. Chip always comes thru when I'm watching that and says.... "Don't get no ideas, woman!" Ok. I won't. I won't get rid of nuthin. Hahahhahaa....
My Shark Tank will be on soon. I don't know why I like that show. But I do. I guess cause I figure I'll be on there one day! Don't know if I'll be on the stage, or in a chair!!! Haven't decided yet! :o)
Alrighty... Next time I come on here, I'll have something profound to say. I promise..... maybe....
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Sorry for the absence again peeps. Why don't I just start a blog and then neglect it like I do everything else I start and not finish? Geez Louise!
In all fairness --- or unfairness as I choose to see it ---- I have been suffering with a horrid sinus headache most of the week. Ok, just two days. That's a LONG time to me. I hate headaches. Like who doesn't, eh? I took a Zyrtec... nothing... took a Clariton...nothing... Benadryl helps a tiny bit, but puts me to sleep. Well, this sucks. Hard to look at lights (like on this screen). Soooo I haven't been around. BUT --- I will survive!
Also haven't been doing my back exercises... so -- yep -- back's a hurting. THAT I can do something about tho, so no reason to fuss. Just get my act together on that one!
Hey - did I tell you - I got my taxes done. YAY! I put em off and put em off and it really only took me about 4 hours grand total. And that was mostly finding paperwork that I had put away for safekeeping and then forgot where I put it.
Today I am going to get at least two, if not 3 rooms decluttered. Famous last words! Oh Gosh......... if you don't hear from me in a few days --- I may be trapped behind a pile of Something!!!!!!!! Call out the fire department or something. Maybe call out the Horders show. Or call out the Marine Corps... or no - call the fire department. Yeah, definately them. They only hire Hunks. If I have to be rescued, it may as well be some Hunky dude doin it, eh?
Ok, enough rambling... I got things to dump on ya - but not till I get this headache under control... but then - block out some time. I'll have to tell ya all my big ideas and little ideas and art projects for you to work on and .... ☺ Stay tuned!!
In all fairness --- or unfairness as I choose to see it ---- I have been suffering with a horrid sinus headache most of the week. Ok, just two days. That's a LONG time to me. I hate headaches. Like who doesn't, eh? I took a Zyrtec... nothing... took a Clariton...nothing... Benadryl helps a tiny bit, but puts me to sleep. Well, this sucks. Hard to look at lights (like on this screen). Soooo I haven't been around. BUT --- I will survive!
Also haven't been doing my back exercises... so -- yep -- back's a hurting. THAT I can do something about tho, so no reason to fuss. Just get my act together on that one!
Hey - did I tell you - I got my taxes done. YAY! I put em off and put em off and it really only took me about 4 hours grand total. And that was mostly finding paperwork that I had put away for safekeeping and then forgot where I put it.
Today I am going to get at least two, if not 3 rooms decluttered. Famous last words! Oh Gosh......... if you don't hear from me in a few days --- I may be trapped behind a pile of Something!!!!!!!! Call out the fire department or something. Maybe call out the Horders show. Or call out the Marine Corps... or no - call the fire department. Yeah, definately them. They only hire Hunks. If I have to be rescued, it may as well be some Hunky dude doin it, eh?
Ok, enough rambling... I got things to dump on ya - but not till I get this headache under control... but then - block out some time. I'll have to tell ya all my big ideas and little ideas and art projects for you to work on and .... ☺ Stay tuned!!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
I’m in a mood again, peeps… but rather than burden up your
day with my mess… I’ll try to bring a smile instead…
Joke Wednesday Everyone!
Tuesday… I meant Tuesday.
How do I keep getting so off on my days?
I need to move to Australia!! I
know a few folks around here (in my 3D world) that wish I would!!
“A sign at the beginning of the serving line in front of the
apples at a church picnic: “God is
watching, take only one.” At the end of the
line next to the cookies, a little sign said, “Take as many as you want. God is busy watchin’ the apples.”
“A robber was rifling through a house, and he heard a
parrot-like voice say, “Better leave now.
Jesus is watching you.” The
robber looked over at the crazy bird and kept loading up his bag of stolen
goods. The parrot again said, “Better
leave now. Jesus is watching you.” This went on several times and the robber
finally screamed at the bird to shut up.
As the robber entered a bedroom, a vicious Doberman lunged at him,
growling, barking and setting teeth into
his arm. In the background the parrot calmly
said, “Meet Jesus.” (that was from
memory, so I may have messed it up, as I often do….)
“The secret of good management is to keep the guys who hate
you away from the guys who are still undecided.” – Casey Stengel
Tomorrow, hopefully,
I will have snapped out of my mood enough to pass along some interesting
things I recently read... A couple
exercises I am doing that are making a big change in my overall well-being…. And
some info about Kefir. I’ve seen mention
of Kefir on here, but this info amazed me and made me want to go out, right
now, barefoot, in my jammies, with
unbrushed teeth, uncombed hair, raccoon eyes,
and get some, no matter what it costs!!!
Not like I haven’t actually strayed away from the estate in that
condition before… but I’m more mature
now. Hahahahahaaa… the jury is still out
on that. Stay tuned.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Ok, peeps. I'm in a better mood today and I appreciate your support!!!
I figured out my problem. TOO much in my head that I HAVE to do. I do a lot of reading on how to improve my life. Improve my writing. Improve my relationships. Improve my artwork. Improve my exercise. Improve my diet. Well.......... I cannot keep up with it all. I try to do it all, and I don't get much of anything Finished, so I am left feeling overwhelmed and failuristic!! Every time I read another good Idea... I file it to do later. And file something else for Later. Eventually I have tons of files with 'to do later' stuff in it and I don't have time for it all. SOOO --- today I dumped some folders. Just dumped em...unread. One had 32 unread emails in it. How to lose weight by eating the right foods, etc. I already KNOW what to eat and not eat. I do not need to Save those ideas. I'm doing ok already. I might need to lose a few more pounds but it isn't because I need information about it. I just need to DO something with the information I have already! PLUS --- when you subscribe to too many things... they start to contradict each other. Then what do you do? Like Eat Breakfast Every day. NO, Breakfast is a killer. Or You Must do Squats. NEVER do squats. Bananas are the BEST food for your body on sooo many levels. NEVER eat bananas unless you want to be fat forever. Auuuughghghghghghghghghhh... No wonder my brain is cyclonic! TOO much to sort. So I just DUMPED a bunch of stuff today, unread, and I feel like I lost 50 pounds. Really. That was HARD at first... but once it was done.......... I relaxed .... a little. I still have a long way to go, but at least I know what I need to do. WHEW!!! I hated that state I was in yesterday. That was messin with my Mojo BIG TIME.
And the taxes are still messin with my zen too. I dread them, but when they are done, I will feel like I lost another 30 pounds. I may shrink to a microscopic size.......... hmm.... that Might be ok. I can really Lurk Then!!!!
Later gaters... And pray for my hairline. It always gets sparse when I'm around tax equations!!
I figured out my problem. TOO much in my head that I HAVE to do. I do a lot of reading on how to improve my life. Improve my writing. Improve my relationships. Improve my artwork. Improve my exercise. Improve my diet. Well.......... I cannot keep up with it all. I try to do it all, and I don't get much of anything Finished, so I am left feeling overwhelmed and failuristic!! Every time I read another good Idea... I file it to do later. And file something else for Later. Eventually I have tons of files with 'to do later' stuff in it and I don't have time for it all. SOOO --- today I dumped some folders. Just dumped em...unread. One had 32 unread emails in it. How to lose weight by eating the right foods, etc. I already KNOW what to eat and not eat. I do not need to Save those ideas. I'm doing ok already. I might need to lose a few more pounds but it isn't because I need information about it. I just need to DO something with the information I have already! PLUS --- when you subscribe to too many things... they start to contradict each other. Then what do you do? Like Eat Breakfast Every day. NO, Breakfast is a killer. Or You Must do Squats. NEVER do squats. Bananas are the BEST food for your body on sooo many levels. NEVER eat bananas unless you want to be fat forever. Auuuughghghghghghghghghhh... No wonder my brain is cyclonic! TOO much to sort. So I just DUMPED a bunch of stuff today, unread, and I feel like I lost 50 pounds. Really. That was HARD at first... but once it was done.......... I relaxed .... a little. I still have a long way to go, but at least I know what I need to do. WHEW!!! I hated that state I was in yesterday. That was messin with my Mojo BIG TIME.
And the taxes are still messin with my zen too. I dread them, but when they are done, I will feel like I lost another 30 pounds. I may shrink to a microscopic size.......... hmm.... that Might be ok. I can really Lurk Then!!!!
Later gaters... And pray for my hairline. It always gets sparse when I'm around tax equations!!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Hi Guys. Sorry I've been absent. I just haven't been in a very good mood lately. Kinda bummed out for No Good Reason. Hard to snap out of it when I don't even know why I'm In it... But I do have some Quotes for you... to tide you over... till my old self comes draggin back......
"If we can but prevent the govenment from wasting the labours of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy." --- Thomas Jefferson
So this crap has been going on THAT long??? Heaven help us!
"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition." Martha Washington
Ok, Marthie, but what about if we don't HAVE a circumstance? Nor a situation? What if there is No Reason for an ill disposition? What then, Missy??
"Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself." Alice Walker
I have been trying. Ohhhh have I! I saw some really cool toothbrushes today. (yes, even a psychodelic toothbrush can be a happy thing!) I got excited for a moment at the thought of owning one. But then I decided I didn't Need one. So I got the plain jane variety. Blahhhh......
"A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?" - Albert Einstein.
Well There ya go. I don't have a violin. I shoulda known that was the problem all along..........?!!
Did you know that one of Einstein's early teachers said he had learning problems and would never amount to anything? Hmmm....
"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along wtih patience and equanimity." Carl Jung
Patience? I have very little of it. So I guess that is my problem. But what can I do about it? How does one grow a batch of patience? Equanimity? Geezzz.... Now I gotta go Googling.......
Ok, I got equanimity. But the thing is... nothing is bothering me. I have a HUGE appreciation for everything and everyone in my life. I am among God's Happiest and most appreciative children. I am. I got it good, and I appreciate it Immensely!!! This isn't about any of that tho. I am just ..... I don't know.......... Blahhhhhhh........... I'll get over it. Later.
Ya know it's bad when you think you can just go poo pooing the quotes of the greats. Sorry guys, and gals.... you're the greatest. You're just ticking me off today!!
"If we can but prevent the govenment from wasting the labours of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy." --- Thomas Jefferson
So this crap has been going on THAT long??? Heaven help us!
"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition." Martha Washington
Ok, Marthie, but what about if we don't HAVE a circumstance? Nor a situation? What if there is No Reason for an ill disposition? What then, Missy??
"Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself." Alice Walker
I have been trying. Ohhhh have I! I saw some really cool toothbrushes today. (yes, even a psychodelic toothbrush can be a happy thing!) I got excited for a moment at the thought of owning one. But then I decided I didn't Need one. So I got the plain jane variety. Blahhhh......
"A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?" - Albert Einstein.
Well There ya go. I don't have a violin. I shoulda known that was the problem all along..........?!!
Did you know that one of Einstein's early teachers said he had learning problems and would never amount to anything? Hmmm....
"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along wtih patience and equanimity." Carl Jung
Patience? I have very little of it. So I guess that is my problem. But what can I do about it? How does one grow a batch of patience? Equanimity? Geezzz.... Now I gotta go Googling.......
Ok, I got equanimity. But the thing is... nothing is bothering me. I have a HUGE appreciation for everything and everyone in my life. I am among God's Happiest and most appreciative children. I am. I got it good, and I appreciate it Immensely!!! This isn't about any of that tho. I am just ..... I don't know.......... Blahhhhhhh........... I'll get over it. Later.
Ya know it's bad when you think you can just go poo pooing the quotes of the greats. Sorry guys, and gals.... you're the greatest. You're just ticking me off today!!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
The Mister says we are going to Walmart now. I say we are not. NCIS is on tonight and I don't miss Gibbs and Abby. Cept once when C. said we are gonna run to Walmart real quick. I fell for it, and he took the truck to the tire shoppe and they worked on it for TWO HOURS... and it still wasn't fixed right even then.... and I missed my Gibbs and Abby. I'm still not quite over it, if you can't tell! So no, I am not going to Walmart tonight. He can. No........... he can't be let out up there without supervision. Remind me to tell you about the last time I allowed that........ hooo boyyyy.... Anyway... gotta go argue with the hub for a bit before my show comes on. Then I like to watch The Lying Game. Anyone watch that??? Those are my only two shows for the week. I'm not much into TV. But I do get caught up in The Voice, and America's got Talent, when they come on.... Anyway --- Have a good eve!!!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Morning all. I have so much to share with you today......... but, I have to get back to the yard while I'm in the mood. It is looking SOOO good out there. Not braggin.... It's all God's work, but I'm helping Him make this little piece of His paradise look neater!! Happy to be chosen to help out!!! Now get off your 'puter and get out there in Your little piece of paradise. (no whining about snow either.... ya'll are welcome to move down here with me!!!)
Saturday, March 9, 2013
26 Months!
Quit Date is: Sunday, January 09, 2011 at 10:00:00 PM
Time Smoke-Free: 789 days, 8 hours, 51 minutes and 29 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 15787 (can you imagine that IN your lungs????)
Lifetime Saved: 4 months, 14 hours (I intend to enjoy every second of it too!)
Money Saved: $3,555.00 (Spending $16 of that at the 3D movie today!!)
When I tried to quit smoking, (around 65,000 times) there wasn’t any fanfare. I didn’t want any. Just wanted to sneak off into the night and face the evils alone. That’s how I used to roll. That way if I didn’t succeed – AGAIN – no one would even know I tried. Safety and security in the number 1!! But this last time I quit, and stayed quit, I didn’t go it alone. Not exactly. I took along an on-line army of --- well… Oodles of people…. (Oodles=A Lot!) Via Quitnet.com. And with the help of that ‘army’, keeping me accountable, I have now been quit 26 months. There was a bit of drama out there sometimes, I mean – Quitters aren’t the happiest people. Not in the beginning. So they sometimes lash out at innocent fellow quitters. Oh were there some “brawls”. Not many. They were actually humorous – I thought. But I’m not the best judge really. But the anger was limited… mostly it was a very supportive place, where even people who had been quit 12-15 years still popped in to encourage ‘newbies’ like me. Those ‘old folks’ gave me something to look forward to. I mean ---- 12 years of smoke-free lungs…? I wanted me some of that. And I’m getting there.
Listenin to some Jack Johnson. Have you heard his stuff? Mellow... Real. I love it. My teenie bopper introduced me to him. Imagine that!
I also like "Train." and some Adam Lavine. What's up with all those tattoos??? Guess that's his bizz. I still like his music. Oh, and Jason Mraz. Check em out!
So --- 'The Voice' is coming back. Without Christina or CeeLo (who spells their name that way? How bout I spell mine Neeeeter Beeeee!) Anyway - I dunno if it will be the same. I'll give it a shot, but those newbies had best not disappoint me.
♪ I can't alway always always be playin the fool.....♫ (JJ ^)
Have a Marvie day all!!!
Quit Date is: Sunday, January 09, 2011 at 10:00:00 PM
Time Smoke-Free: 789 days, 8 hours, 51 minutes and 29 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 15787 (can you imagine that IN your lungs????)
Lifetime Saved: 4 months, 14 hours (I intend to enjoy every second of it too!)
Money Saved: $3,555.00 (Spending $16 of that at the 3D movie today!!)
When I tried to quit smoking, (around 65,000 times) there wasn’t any fanfare. I didn’t want any. Just wanted to sneak off into the night and face the evils alone. That’s how I used to roll. That way if I didn’t succeed – AGAIN – no one would even know I tried. Safety and security in the number 1!! But this last time I quit, and stayed quit, I didn’t go it alone. Not exactly. I took along an on-line army of --- well… Oodles of people…. (Oodles=A Lot!) Via Quitnet.com. And with the help of that ‘army’, keeping me accountable, I have now been quit 26 months. There was a bit of drama out there sometimes, I mean – Quitters aren’t the happiest people. Not in the beginning. So they sometimes lash out at innocent fellow quitters. Oh were there some “brawls”. Not many. They were actually humorous – I thought. But I’m not the best judge really. But the anger was limited… mostly it was a very supportive place, where even people who had been quit 12-15 years still popped in to encourage ‘newbies’ like me. Those ‘old folks’ gave me something to look forward to. I mean ---- 12 years of smoke-free lungs…? I wanted me some of that. And I’m getting there.
Listenin to some Jack Johnson. Have you heard his stuff? Mellow... Real. I love it. My teenie bopper introduced me to him. Imagine that!
I also like "Train." and some Adam Lavine. What's up with all those tattoos??? Guess that's his bizz. I still like his music. Oh, and Jason Mraz. Check em out!
So --- 'The Voice' is coming back. Without Christina or CeeLo (who spells their name that way? How bout I spell mine Neeeeter Beeeee!) Anyway - I dunno if it will be the same. I'll give it a shot, but those newbies had best not disappoint me.
♪ I can't alway always always be playin the fool.....♫ (JJ ^)
Have a Marvie day all!!!
Friday, March 8, 2013
A little George Carlin humor to round out the evening...
"Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not?
Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that."
"Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck."
Off to watch some Shark Tank. One day, when I grow up, I'm gonna be a shark.
What? I AM!!! You just watch and see! (or maybe I'll meet a shark, or get eaten by a shark... I know there will be a shark in my future.)
<-------- Seeeeeeee, what'd I say????
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