Saturday, July 9, 2016

Yard Sales

I love yard sales.  I could have the worst week ever, and all it takes is a day at the sales... and I'm golden again!!

What I like most - finding stuff for other folks.  That satisfies my need to find a good deal, and make someone else's day with a little freebie gift they weren't expecting.   And of course finding goodies to add to my gallery wall (that I am going to be working on just any day now...) I got a couple neat sayings to hang up there, and a string of musical notes.  I love music décor.  Got some cool frames.  I have More Frames, and More Photos, than you can imagine.  Now if those two items (times a zillion) would find their way together, whilst I'm snoozing away the night... that'd be marvelous!!!  Oh, and I got some real live working walkie talkies for me and the Brettlet.  He is going to be so amazed!  Or scared and confused... he is only two.  But he's two, going on 15, so I think he'll be fine.   And I got some vine ripe tomatoes.  I know, I know... I already HAVE tomatoes in my own garden.  But these looked so amazing.  Big and ripe and plump and organic!!  Much like mine, but you can never have too many tomatoes.  I think that might even be in the Bible somewhere!!!

Ok, now I'm outta here to go play with my new toys!!   Did I mention... I love Yard Sales!!  :)

(Hey - I just discovered COLOR.  I love computers too.  But that's a blog for another day!!)


  1. I can totally relate... I usually eat my weight in maters - (Our name for the delicious vine ripe ones we have for a season) - until the tasteless, odorless and artificial tomatoes hit the store room shelves. Buy them by the bushel I say. We've managed to can some juice in Mason jars for a friendly reminder of warm summer days in the midst of winter's wrath. Until next time, See ya on the computer.

    1. Hi. I really need to keep up with my blog more. I JUST saw this. How pitiful. Sorry. But I hear ya on the buy em by the bushel. I should can some juice. I hate being in a hot kitchen tho. Maybe you could do it for me. :) :D :)
