Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day in Florida!

So... 28 degrees in "Sunny" Fl.  I only fell down once!  Broke my camera...  :(   But - no bones, so it's all good!
My friend's daughter who just had open-heart surgery (at 23) is doing well now, so THAT is GREAT!   I am babysitting her dog... and he does NOT like my hat and coat and gloves.  He was growling at me.  SO I had to ditch them.  It is COLD out there!  The things we do for pets!

Went by my 86 year old friend's house today to check on her.  (her son lives "next door") and they had branches down.  LOTS of big cedar tree branches.  The ice weighed heavy on the plants and trees around here.  Don't know how many will survive it.  Guess we'll soon find out!   Her son was wearing..... ready for this..??   FLIP FLOPs.  A Southerner Thru and Thru!!!
Lots of auto wrecks down here in the South today.  We just are Not used to this ice.  The Northern crowd is up there laughing at our wimpiness, but we just don't have the proper equipment, and road crews, and snow tires, and boots and such...   we Are wimps!  But I'd rather be a wimp for a few days, than COLD for months.  I used to live up there in the tundra... (of MI) so I know of what I speak.   It's beautiful up there, but I'll just enjoy it in pictures from here on out!!   ♥

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday.... lalalalala.........Friday

Happy Friday!!

My little girl (26) is coming home from her trip today!  YAY!

I should be able to finish the draft of my     eBay        book today.  Yay!

I lost a pound!  Yay!

Got to listen to some Blues this morning.  Yay! 

Who says Yay anymore?  That is annoying, eh?  Sorry.  ◔◡◔

Well, I have a full day ahead of me, but an even BETTER day planned for tomorrow and a nice one planned for Sunday.    Do you ever plan ahead?  I love planning.  The best laid plans..........  well... I like to do it anyway!    Of course I have heard, "Go ahead, make plans.  Give God a good laugh." 

Have a nice day all!   And Weekend!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Stretching and Writing. Yes, do BOTH. Today!!

HI All!!!

Just wanted to check in.  I've been super busy writing some new books.  Well, I should say  "putting together" some new books.  A couple of them are children's books "written" by my Cat Lily.  They are photos for the most part.  Educational and fun type books.  They don't have a lot of text, but they are still very time consuming.   No matter!  I still need to get better about checking in here.  One of my new books is an informative book and I intend to list my blog address so if anyone has questions after reading my book, they can ask me here.  We'll ALL learn something that way.  I'm all about Learning, and fun.  Having fun WHILE learning................ Bonus!!    This newest book is taking a toll on me.  Too much sitting.  I have to get up and Stretch off and on...   That is VERY important.  If I go a day without my stretches, I surely feel it.  Makes for less restful sleep, and therefore orneriness and therefore moodiness and therefore sadness and therefore less productivity and therefore ---Just stretch, ok?  A lot.  All thru the day.  It only takes a moment here and there and it will make a HUGE difference in your health.  Your energy.  Your flexibility.  Your mood.  Your... everything. 

But which stretches exactly, NitaB?  I hear ya out there!!!  You can research on the web to see which stretches are best for YOU.  Or what I do is basic stretches.  Just stand and reach for the ceiling.  Really reach, as if there is really a chance of you touching it.  Reach with one hand, then the other, then both.  That really helps Me.  Toe touches are good... but only after you are warmed up by moving around some.  Cold toe touches can pull a hamstring.  However toe touches upon a warmed up body... stretches the hamstrings and takes a load off your back. 

And SIT UP STRAIGHT!  I got me this little seat thingy, called a BackJoy.  It is a simple little thing, but it is shaped in such a way that if you don't sit up straight, it isn't comfy to sit on.  So --- Sit up straight already!  It makes a world of difference.  Especially if you are sitting a lot to write.  Yes, you!  WRITE!  Everyone has a book in them.  EVERYONE!  So write your book and then get with me, and I'll help you go to the next level.  Nothing to it really.  It just SEEMS time consuming and difficult.  I promise you.... I am about as flighty as they come.  If I can put together a book, or 6... YOU can too.  Get on it!  And then get back to me. 

Alrighty then.  NitaB out!!  :)    Have a GREAT DAY!  I mean it!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

What a headache.... relief!

Read this this morning... passing along cause headaches can be such a pain. I hardly ever get them and THIS might be why....

"Headaches are such a headache! Ninety percent of head pain is caused by tension, so instead of taking a pill that can upset your stomach, nibble on this all-natural snack while thinking relaxing thoughts...

Researchers tell us that almonds contain lots of salicylates, the... pain-relieving ingredient in aspirin. Eating 15 raw almonds will do the work of one aspirin. While it may take a little longer for the headache to vanish, you won’t run the risk for side effects. Almonds also have been shown to reduce cholesterol, build strong bones and teeth, and boost brain function, so if you eat almonds in moderation on a regular basis, the side effects you get are nothing but good. (Of course, if you have a nut or a salicylate allergy, don’t try this at home—or anywhere!)"
Have a Headache-Free day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!