Monday, August 15, 2016

While I can

This  reminded me of my relationship with my grandson, my buddy.  He is two.  He likes to do a lot of things that are a tad less fun for his Ghee (he calls me Ghee).  There is a video on YouTube that he loves.  He thinks it's Elmo, and I tried to explain that it isn't, but what the heck --- it's Elmo.  Just go with it.
Yes - you have to watch it too:

He asks to watch it over and over and over.  And so we do watch it over and over and over because as we watch he sits on my lap and looks up at me and says "Trouble again," as the "Elmo" guy gets in trouble again. Then we laugh -  again and again and I sleep with the song in my head, but it won't be long before he doesn't want to sit on my lap and watch "Elmo" anymore ... so I do it while I can!

He also likes to sit on the riding mower and pretend to drive.  I tell him it doesn't work (and it doesn't unless I turn the key - tiny little white lie) because I don't want the allergens getting all kicked up and aggravating his, and my, sinuses.  But he likes to sit up there anyway, and he pats the seat and says, "Sit Ghee".  And so Ghee sits.  Because it won't be long ... well, you know.

And he has a little bunny that plays music - just one hoppy song - when you push his foot. And that foot gets pushed no less than a dozen times a day and my little buddy flops around - I mean, dances around - and says, "Dance Ghee".  And so Ghee dances her floppy dance too, no less than a dozen times a day because ...

One day, sooner than I care to think about,  he'll be watching some punk rocker video, and dancing some punk rocky dance, and if I even think about joining, he'll likely say, "Really Grandma?" as he rolls his eyes.   Maybe that will never happen, and I hope not.  But since the hoppy rabbit and "Elmo" won't be the flavors of the day, I'm spending time with those guys, and my little Buddy ... while I can.


  1. such a sweet story Nita...enjoy your little buddy as long as you can.

  2. Amen sister. Embrace each moment, live it as if its your last! Emmerce yourself in life, in living!!
