Thursday, February 6, 2014


A friend of mine  sent me an article she had written about dreaming.  How dreams are so important in our lives.  And without them, what keeps us going?  Of course she wrote it in such prose and elegance...unlike my 'speak without thinking' style.  But it sure got me to thinking.  Am I following my dreams?  Am I keeping my dreams in a protective place where no one can crush them (as she wrote)?  If I were to answer that a couple years ago, I would have had to say No. And yes.  I was hiding my dream/s and keeping them safe where no one could tell me they were ridiculous and unworthy.  But last year -- the Real NitaB emerged and quit caring if anyone thought she was stupid, or crazy or out of her everlovin mind.  She'd always been all of those things, but no longer was it necessary to stifle any of that to conform to anyone's standards.  And to be honest... the strictest standards were in my own whacked out mind.  I was being who I thought I was expected to be.  Or something.  Heck, who knows?  Who cares?  What you see now - is who I've really always been... just more Out There Livin Free and Tossing Caution (most of it) to the wind. I'm still not brave enough to wear my Fun clothes in public.  Much.  I sneak out in a pair of leggings once in a while if I'm going out of town where no one knows me...  Baby Steps, as my friend Carolyn used to always tell me.    But I sometimes break into dance in a store (if I think no one is looking... but secretly thinking that if anyone Does see... Lucky them.)  Cause This Girl Can bust a move alright!!!  Hahahaha....   I seat dance in my car.  Even at red lights, and wave at those around me.  Some of them wave back.  Coolness!!  Some of them pretend they weren't looking.  I always hope that no one that knows me, sees me having fun.  I mean... they could kick in the gears towards having me committed.  I'm scared of that.  In the hooky house... I'd have competition.  I like being a Solo Act.   Oh My Gosh........ this has turned into quite the ramble.  Sorry.  I'm just in a good mood right now and that equals Ramble.   Anyway ---

Point is, and yes, there was supposed to be a point...  It is ok to LIVE your dreams.  Cause if anyone doesn't like them, that's ok.  It is YOUR dream.  None of their bizz.  Don't keep them buried in a safe place.  Bring them out and Live them!  I'm telling ya -------- it's a whole new world when you do!!!!     I know more and more people that hit their 50's and let their hair down.  Cause they are "old" now.  People expect oddness from the elderly, right?  I hope so.  Cause I'm going with that theory Full Tilt!!  Who's with me on this???!!!

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