Monday, May 13, 2013


Oh- and Hey --- I need some ideas.  I've set a challenge for myself ........... to do a random act of kindness for each year of my life.  52 random acts.  I need help coming up with random ideas.  Someone mentioned putting moola inside books at a book store with a note saying GOD is with you ALWAYS (or some such thing), so when someone buys one.... They'll feel the love --- randomly.  And I am pretty much an expert at random behavior, random thoughts... so why not Random Acts and make them of the kindness variety!  If you don't help me... I'll spend my life in a bookstore with 52 $1 bills and be going insane...........  :)  Won't be the first time.  ... for the insanity... but -well... you know...

Wait... I think I did one yesterday.  Saw an older lady walking across the parking lot looking really out of it.  I smiled at her.  She just stared at me like I was a weirdo.  I just held the smile (partly cause I felt like a weirdo, since she was giving me that look.) and before I had fully passed her.... she smiled back.  A genuine smile... with her eyes all into it and everything.  She looked happy.  Only for a moment maybe.  But moments count, eh?   One down and 51 to go!!!   Hey - if you guys want to join in................   Please DO, and let me know what all you did.  Even if you don't get to 50 or whatever.... it's a start, eh???

Happy Monday All!!!

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