Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Up Up and Away -- In my beautiful Balloon!!!

Morning!  GUESS WHAT I DID last night?  I went up in a hot air balloon!!!   And it was free!  A local realty agency in town (just happens to be the one my daughter and SIL are going to be renting from) sponsored free balloon rides for Veterans Day!!  So the 4 of us went on downtown and hopped aboard!!  It was FUN.  Now I will tell ya, it was tethered.  So we couldn't get REAL high.  But it was still amazing!  I'll put some pics on my FB page for you later.  I forgot my camera, so they are in the Mister's phone.  Might be a while.  But it was pretty cool!!  AND then we went to a local restaurant and had a FREE dinner.  Free is so nice.  If you ever start a business.... hand out some freebies, eh?  Speaking of which... I think I'll go out to Amazon and offer up my "Humor for the Random Soul" book, for FREE again.  I did it once before.  Ya can't get rich doing such things, but I don't know what I'd do with riches anyway.  Well, I'd figure it out if I HAD to... but for now, my random brain doesn't need more to think about!  But Free is fun.   And I'm all about fun, so I'mma give away my book.  Wheeeeeeeeeee!   ( I know.  I know... there are drugs for people like me....   But I can't afford them.  Lucky you!!!)  (>‿◠)


  1. Lucky! I always wanted to go up in an air balloon! Cool! I like your book... are you working on another?

  2. I demand you post such info on FB! I want you book, but I'm a niggard and Amazon is adding a $3 penalty because I'm Polish (they call it tax).
    And you can get rich by doing such things. In my experience every 20 free downloads equals 1 sales after the promo.

    1. I did not know that! Niggard? That is a new term for me. Adding a penalty?? No way. Well, I'm going to Amazon now and set up ANOTHER free day, and I will post it on FB for you. Excited that there is still interest.
      And T --- I am sort of working on another. But this one will be more structured and serious. NOT! Well, the structured part will. I'll just post today about my plan for ya.... not sure if you read these comments. ♥
