Monday, November 11, 2013

I'm trying... hang in there!

 Wanted to share some things I read this morning.  One being:
It was an analogy about a boat in the ocean.  (I L♥ve analogies.)  A tiny boat on a Huge Ocean is fine, as long as the waters don't start getting rough and start getting inside.  Same way in life.  Rough as things may be sometimes, if we stay strong Inside, the outside can't hurt us.  As much.  It's just really hard to keep the outside from getting in sometimes.  But we just have to try to weather the storms and pull on our inner strength to get to the sunny side again.  And unlike that tiny boat --- we are never really truly alone.  We have God's strength within us.  He won't let us drown, if we pull on His strength when ours may falter.  ♥o♥   (that's supposed to be a smile there.  I'm not that good at making faces yet.  Well, not on here anyway.  The Mister says I'm VERY good at making faces.... but I don't listen to him much, and you shouldn't either!  -.O )  That's a wink.... Sad, that I have to explain my "faces".   Moving on............

Starting a Pilates fest today.  Pilates, to me, is Yoga on steroids.  I prefer yoga.  BUT a friend was talking about how she gets up at 5:30 in the a.m. to do Pilates.  Geez....   So I tried it.  Got up at 6:30a.m.  (hey --- I tried.  Set the alarm for 5:30 but it just didn't work out.  I'd probably still be there, but the Mister said, "Really woman.  This is my day off!"  ooopsie.  I got up then!  I'd already pushed my luck enough at 4a.m. when I took my "hugger" pillow and rolled over with it.  He SAID it was his "hugger" pillow that I Stole right out of his hug.  I told him to hush and go to sleep.  He kept wimpering (yes, he was) about his pillow and how many pillows did I need anyway... blah blah blah...  So I felt around on the floor....................... and there............ was ....... my....... pillow.  Ooopsie again!  I told him he could have the hugger pillow back.  He said, "OH, Found your own, eh?"  Hush Mister..... !

So today I'm off to give Pilates a try again.  I'll write you from the hospital if it doesn't work out!!  Have a nice Veterans Day!!!!!   I'm a Veteran, ya know.  And so glad I put myself into such good company!!!  It's kind of weird when people say, "Thank you for your service."  Shoot... I'm just glad they LET me serve.  They almost didn't ya know.  Cause I'd spent the first half of my life, practically deaf.  Turns out I just had massive wax build-up.  It was SOOOO weird being able to actually Hear!  But some things I was glad that I couldn't hear too well.... God knew full well what He was doing.  Course clearing out my ears just so I could hear the drill sergeant Yell "BEAUMONT!! STOP Bouncing. March Properly." ..... ?  I coulda used a little muffling for that.  And just for the record, I wasn't bouncing.  He just hated me.  Well, no, he didn't.  Once he pulled me out of formation.... to yell at me for bouncing AGAIN.... and I stood there, and he stared at me a while, then started laughing.  WHY?  I do not know.  Guess I'm just funny looking.  He sent me away, "Just go."
"But Quit Bouncing!"   Wait, no... he called it Bobbing.  Quit Bobbing.  Yeah.  I think I don't bob anymore.  Not really sure................. But Anyway ------------   I can't avoid the Pilates forever.......... so --- NitaB out.........


  1. Nita, you naughty gal, you should write more often! I always laugh reading your posts.
    "Hush Mister"= ROFTL

    1. Thanks Michal. I just let toooo many things get in the way of my writing. I love coming here and "talking" with you and the gang. But I just let other things take precedence. I gotta work on that!
