Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hi Guys.   Sorry I've been absent.  I just haven't been in a very good mood lately.  Kinda bummed out for No Good Reason.   Hard to snap out of it when I don't even know why I'm In it...  But I do have some Quotes for you... to tide you over... till my old self comes draggin back...... 

"If we can but prevent the govenment from wasting the labours of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy."  --- Thomas Jefferson
So this crap has been going on THAT long???  Heaven help us!

"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself.  For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition."  Martha Washington
Ok, Marthie, but what about if we don't HAVE a circumstance? Nor a situation?  What if there is No Reason for an ill disposition?  What then, Missy??

"Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you.  Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself."  Alice Walker
I have been trying.  Ohhhh have I!   I saw some really cool toothbrushes today.  (yes, even a psychodelic toothbrush can be a happy thing!)  I got excited for a moment at the thought of owning one.  But then I decided I didn't Need one.  So I got the plain jane variety.  Blahhhh......

"A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?" - Albert Einstein.                                         
Well There ya go.  I don't have a violin.   I shoulda known that was the problem all along..........?!!
Did you know that one of Einstein's early teachers said he had learning problems and would never amount to anything?  Hmmm....

"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure  of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.  It is far better to take things as they come along wtih patience and equanimity."  Carl Jung
Patience?  I have very little of it.  So I guess that is my problem. But what can I do about it?  How does one grow a batch of patience?  Equanimity?   Geezzz.... Now I gotta go Googling.......
Ok, I got equanimity.  But the thing is... nothing is bothering me.  I have a HUGE appreciation for everything and everyone in my life.  I am among God's Happiest and most appreciative children.  I am.  I got it good, and I appreciate it Immensely!!!  This isn't about any of that tho.  I am just ..... I don't know.......... Blahhhhhhh...........   I'll get over it.  Later. 

Ya know it's bad when you think you can just go poo pooing the quotes of the greats.  Sorry guys, and gals.... you're the greatest.  You're just ticking me off today!! 


  1. What the heck? Those were good quotes! Nothing wrong with passing along a good word here and there! Hey, I have written and although I don't like the dumps, some of my best stuff comes after I have been in them. Try to start to think of it as a creative time. It is sort of like a washing machine,... you churn stuff up and the water gets dirty and slimy, but in the end you have clean clothes! ... Or good words/thoughts to write! :)

  2. What the heck, what the heck? How long do I have to wait? I enjoy your writings... I'll read about the dumps if you are in the dumps. You know what I think would cheer you up.... a spinach smoothie...yup, guaranteed to cheer you up. Mix spinach, blueberries, banana with some ice cubes for texture and coolness, and you have Happiness in a Glass. Yup. that is what I call it... the kids call it something else... and for extra perkiness, have some hummus on the side. Guaranteed to make cure what ails you! Or at least, it will give your body what it needs!

  3. Terri... you need to be a writer. Do you write? Send me something. I think I'd enjoy it!!! TMAC has my email. She's been critiqing for me before. I always give up tho. I'm NOT giving up this time. I'm just NOT!!!
    Love your analogy. Another friend of mine used a washing machine analogy on me the other day... something about when it gets off balance and starts hopping across the floor... I don't remember what she said cause I couldn't quit laughing at that image!! But I'm thinking... why is everyone giving me washing machine stuff? Is Chip putting you up to this? So I haven't done laundry this week. So what? What's a little stink among family members, eh?

  4. TMac.... I'm afraid I'd have to side with the kids. I once made a spinach smoothie. Even my mom gagged. And she was a health freak. Course I had put a bit too much garlic in it... that could have been a little problemo. I do like spinach, but I don't like blueberries, nor ice. So I'll just have a bowl of spinach... will that be ok?? I'm having fresh salad tonight for dinner. Lettuce from my 'garden'. It's just one pot of lettuce. But it gives me a nice salad twice a week! I think of you when I pick it. Cause I know you LOVE fresh veggies!! And in the winter, no less!!

    Humus... I gotta MAKE me some of that. I tried the store bought kind and it was too salty. I'm gonna make me some one day.
