Friday, March 8, 2013

I just read something that "clicked" in my head.  There isn't really much excess space in my brainpan for something to have room to click, so when it does, I sit up and take Notice!!   This is about Eating.  Or not eating.  

View food as an energy source, rather than a reward.  That way you can ask yourself, is this going to give me lasting energy, or will there be a crash in a little while?  I don't know about you, but I hate crashes.  I also hate Highs, because they make my brain go in 1,000 directions, instead of just 600.  I have enough trouble trying to sift through the kaleidoscopic jumble in my head, I don't need it to speed up.  So the idea is:   if you feel tempted by sweets, or pasta, or fried foods or such, ask yourself, "How am I going to feel an hour after eating this?"  If that feeling is worth the temporary satisfaction, then go for it.  But if you train yourself to look ahead, to the 'dump' later, maybe you can turn off that temptation.   And thusly, have more sustained energy levels.

I also saw a photo this morning, of a plate full of fruit.  The caption said, "There is junk.  And then there is Food."  Hmmmm..... Point taken.    I guess we could expand that to say, "There is junk that will set your blood sugar on a dizzying roller coaster ride if you chose to eat it.  And then there is food that will fill you up, satisfy your 'sweet tooth' somewhat, and still leave you in a non-comatose state later."  Well, you know me....   Take something simple and drag it out forever and a day.  Sorry.... I'm working on that.....  But yeah - I'm gonna try that - looking at food as an energy source rather than a reward!   Right after I finish off the ice-cream bars.   But THEN - I'm gonna do it.  I promise!


  1. Nita, this is great! I have been thinking about blogging myself! Keep up the good work! You write very well and are very funny! A good read!

  2. Terri, ol' buddy, ol' pal. So it took a BLOG to get you to surface. I am sooooo happy to hear from you. Get you a blog girl. We can talk about art and Munger and all sorts of wild stuff. This site is EASY to use. (Obviously, or I wouldn't be here!) Come on board! Room for all out here! Thanks for your compliments. Shucks, I'm blushing............... Now get yours going so I can do the same!

  3. Teresa is trying to comment, but is having trouble with her computer.... and it won't let her publish a comment....just so you know...

    Thanks for the encouraging words!

  4. I've had a couple others tell me that too. I wonder if it is Blogger or what. Usually if there is a problem it hits MY computer... so I dunno what to think.
    You got your blog on yet. Wonder if that's anything like a Freak-on? Get your Freak on, and your blog on!!!!!
