Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Day 98.  I've already done half my couch pushups.  I did tell you that I'm doing couch push ups this week to build up for my counter pushups next week?  Each week I'll get a little lower and lower until I get to the Real McCoy pushups!  That's the plan. 

I forgot about my ab work.  You'd think this spare tire that is right in my way 24/7 would remind me.  I'm going in just a momento to do some Russian twists or whatever they are called.  Just sit on the floor, tilt backward a tad, bend your knees and pick up a set of light weights that are conveniently placed to the left of you.  Now swing them to the right, then back to the left, etc... until you just CAN'T anymore.  Keep the weights as close to your spare tire (or 6 pack if you have THAT.  And if you do... we are no longer friends... just kiddin).  If you let your arms get too far out from your belly it's bad for your back or something.  I forget the Why part.  Just that you gotta keep em in toward your belly.  Oh, and suck in your belly whilst you do it.  Stabilizes your back some too.  So you do that, and I will go do it too, and we'll report back tomorrow... if we live thru it. 

Oh - also I ditched 14 items today cause I let myself get behind.  SOOOOO much easier to keep up with the Fling 5 deal, than to make up for lost time/items.  If you get behind... get caught up as soon as you can.  If you get ahead.... good for YOU!! BUT - you still have to ditch 5 more the next day.  That's my rule for me anyway.  You do what you want cause I'll never know anyway --_BUT if you want a home that isn't full of garbola, like mine currently is... then don't let anything get in the way of it.  For the next 97 days anyway!!  


  1. Cool Nita. Keep Rocking!:D
    PS. For a minute I thought we are no longer friends
    Just kidding, ABS is only the dream for me.

  2. Michal... no worries. We will always be friends. You know too much. :D
